1. Statement of Confidentiality
2. Synopsis
3. Introduction: TCS -An Organizational Perspective
The Pre-OD Scenario: Our Strengths and Areas of Concern
Alignment and Structure at TCS
Scenario Building Workshops
Goal Alignment & Balanced Scorecard
PROPEL – The Intervention: Culture Building at TCS
4. The case of a large relationship at TCS:
Team Alignment through PROPEL framework & Spiral Dynamics
Value Cards at the Large Relationship
Improvements through Measurements/ Initiatives: Excellence at the large relationship (AEP)
Darpan - Reflect and Improve
5. Conclusion: TCS -The Paradigm Shift
Post OD scenario
In organizations worldwide today, there is a greater realization of the importance of Organizational Developmental (OD) interventions in facilitating the rapid changes brought about in the current competitive environment. Organizations today struggle to balance the tensions between Voice of Customer, Voice of Technology, Voice of Strategy and Voice of Employee in the context of a globalized and dynamic market, which makes competitive advantage and sustainability the key mantras of corporate survival and success. Organization Development has been defined as a process by which behavioral science knowledge and practices are used to help organizations to achieve greater effectiveness, including improved quality of life, increased productivity, and improved product and service quality. Its focus is on improving the organization's ability to assess and to solve its own problems & to move the organization to a higher level of functioning by improving the performance and satisfaction of organization members. At Tata Consultancy Services Limited, (TCSL), too OD interventions have been instrumental in facilitating change management and bringing about competitive advantage. OD has contributed to redefining the organization’s relationship to its environment, its markets and key stakeholders. This paper briefly explores an overview of OD