A succulent puddle of sauce,
Tangy to the tongue,
Yet, burning spice that runs down my throat.
With my weapons to fight the flames,
My fork and knife,
I slice through the juicy, tender
White meat,
Like an axe chopping through
An old oak tree.
To cool my mouth from the
I dunk my boneless, soft, orange meat
Into a pool of ranch,
Ranch, quenching my throat.
Balancing the sharp flavor with the
Refreshing dressing.
This is obviously a gift from the devil,
His one gift for all of us to enjoy.
Ode to Cinnamon Buns
The steaming, runny frosting
Covers the
Warm, chewy bun.
I bite into the
Soft, decadent pastry.
Cream permeating my taste buds,
Leaving behind
The delicious taste.
Using a butter knife,
I spread more white frosting
Drowning the brown bun.
My mouth dripping with temptation,
The ultimate treat.
Emigrate Verb Move out of a country or region to settle in another.
Immigrate Verb Move into a foreign country or region as a permanent resident.
Eminent Adjective Standing or jutting out; conspicuous; famous; distinguished; noteworthy
Imminent Adjective Hanging over one’s head; threatening; about to occur; impending
Evoke Verb Bring out; call forth; elicit; produce
Invoke Verb Call on for help or protection; appeal to for support.
Excise Verb Cut out; remove by cutting out
Incise Verb Cut into; carve; engrave
Inhibit Verb Hold in check; restrain; repress
Expel Verb Drive out; force out; banish; compel to leave; eject
Impel Verb Drive on; force; Compel
Implicate Verb Show to be a part of or connected with; involve; entangle
Impugn Verb Call in question; assail by words or arguments; attack as false; contradict
Insurgent Noun One who rises in revolt against established authority; rebel; mutineer
Extraneous Adjective Coming from or existing outside; foreign; not essential; not pertinent; irrelevant
Extravagant Adjective 1. Outside or beyond the bounds or