
Odette Peace Corps Report

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I felt an automatic connection with Odette’s story as I will soon be serving in the Peace Corps within the African Continent, as Odette did in the early 90s. Odette served in Rwanda, until 1993, when the Peace Corps suspended its program within the country due to developing internal tension. Afterward, she took a few short-term jobs in Kenya, Gabon, and Burundi until in 1993 violent conflicts erupted in Burundi due to the death of the new Hutu president after years of Tutsi government. It was at this point that the Peace Corps decided to recommence their work in Rwanda. Prior to the operations implementation, the rhetoric on the radio had already turned antagonistic. The Peace Corps employees were reassured that they would be protected by the UNAMIR. Even so, shortly before the genocide in Rwanda, eighteen American Rangers working with the UN in Somalia were killed. It was likely due to this even that the UNAMIR in Rwanda did not get involved …show more content…

I have no fear that my experience will follow the path of Odette’s. I do not believe that conflict is something that is simply a part of Africa, as some of my family members appear to believe. Conflicts and violence have occurred throughout the world in many different regions and societies, but somehow the world continues to label such conflicts as “them” and “we” would never engage in such actions, even though history strongly disagrees. I am excited for the opportunity to experience life in another country, one which is very much unique from my own home. Comparatively, I also realize that life in a different culture will require adaptability, hard work, open-mindedness and good judgment for the experience to be an educated and safe one. Although Odette’s story is one of ominous foreboding, I believe that fear of what could be should not deter one from pursuing their goals as giving into fear is what often creates what it

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