Odin Sphere Leifthrasir utilizes a simplistic control scheme it is easy to grasp; ordinary attacks are performed with square, you jump with the cross, and deployment of physical arts and magic is governed by the circle button. And while on the easier difficulties you could probably do well merely pressing square repeatedly, in order to achieve S ranks in combat you are required to be efficient and tactical in your utilization of skills - just remember to attack constantly. Remembering the behavior of your enemies is also necessary to perform well in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. For example, if an enemy is prone to block attacks, it would behoove you to perform a ground-slide (down and square) in order to break their guard before …show more content…
The levels themselves in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir are made up of connected screens that can be separated into different categories. There are normal ones often containing treasure chests or some other collectible, battle rooms where your combat efficiency is put to the test and then awarded a completion prize and grade, and the mid-boss rooms follow the same formula, except for often awarding you quest related prizes. Where a run-of-the-mill battle room lasts less than a minute when played skillfully, the mid-boss encounters can take a significant longer amount of time - especially the trial rooms where you are pitted against two mid-bosses simultaneously. Rest rooms where you may purchase items from a vendor, store unwanted ones in an item box, and order foot from Moury's Touring Restaurant provided you have the required ingredients rounds out the level …show more content…
There are several systems in place facilitating the brisk pace. Like in most other action RPGs, leveling up is tied to combat performance. However, in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, consumption of food is the primary source for earning new levels. Ingredients and recipes may be found through exploration and then used at Moury's Touring Restaurant, or you may visit the Pooka establishments in between missions to spend dedicated currency on meals awarding you experience points. In addition to leveling up your stats through combat and devouring food, you are also acquiring and developing magic attacks, physical arts, and your weapon. This is done through amassing phozons, a luminous purple speck of light, released into the world upon defeating an enemy. These character progression systems harmonize splendidly with the rapid pace of the mechanical advancement; you are almost constantly heading into a new battle room. Each stage also offers new equipment to search out which raises your base defense as well as offers some beneficial passive ability - like the vampyric ring, leeching life of your enemies with each hit. There is an immensely rewarding feedback loop in place in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir - you are always accomplishing