
Odysseus Journey Summary

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Odysseus Journey Summary
In this story a lot of interesting things happen, Odysseus goes on a wild adventure which causes him to go to many islands discovering all the things out there. Laertes had a son, his name was Odysseus. Odysseus lived on the peaked sea-mark on the Island of Ithaca, that is located under Neion’s wind-blown robe of leaves. Odysseus was once held by Calypso in her cave. I know this because he stated “Calypso, loveliest among goddess, who held me in her smooth caves, to be her heart’s delight, as Circe of Aeaea.” The enchantress liked him so she kept him in her custody. But in his heart he never did approve of it. After he was held he got ready to go on a rough adventure with Malea. For Nine days he drifted on the sea before he ended up on the …show more content…
They offered them lotus and the ones who accepted the lotus and ate it was never seen again. Then they were all tied up by Odysseus and driven to their rowing benches. They were told not to eat the lotus because they would die. They left because the Lotus Eaters were killing people with their lotus. Most people were forgetting about their homeland because of how mesmerized they were while staying with the Lotus Eaters. The reason I know this is because it stated, “They longed to stay forever, browsing on that native boom, forgetful of their home land” The next land they went to they found Cyclopes, giants, and louts. After staying there for three days they decided on the third day Odysseus and his crew sailed across to learn more about the interesting creatures called Cyclopes so he decided to travel to where they lived. Once they sailed off and were almost there they spotted a cave with an enormous man inside he decided to have his crew to stop and take a break there for a while. He decided to take his twelve best fighters and explore the land. They were then on there way to the cave where the prodigious man was. The man went to go pasture his …show more content…
Then Odysseus went to talk to Polyphemus about how Nohbdy messed will them. While Polyphemus thought nobody messed with them. Odysseus started getting discouraged and upset. Until he thought of an Idea. He decided to take three abreast together side by side while tying a man on the middle sheep’s stomach. So then they waited till morning. When the sun came up the rams began to move to the pasture. So the Cyclops went to pet all the sheep while the men were underneath because of the Cyclops’s wound he did not catch Odysseus and his men because he was blind. So Cyclopes thought it was weird that the first sheep to leave left last so then he was talking to the sheep about how he was going to kill Odysseus and his men because of how Nohbdy has enraged him. So as they were taking off the Cyclopes threw the top of a hill in front of the boat that resulted in a geyser that pushed them back to shore. He then yelled again at the cyclopes that Odysseus, raider of cities was the one who took his eye and that was where part one ended. I thought that the Odyssey part 1 was very interesting. It was a lot about Odysseus going on a very rough business trip. He learned a lot of things about what is out there. He may have also not liked what he

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