I strongly agree with Dr. Freud’s analysis of this play because we all as humans share a group of feelings, emotions and passions that drive our everyday behavior. We have been modeled with a certain scheme according to what it is acceptable in the culture where we have been raised. Those schemes deeply interact with our will in an everyday basis, and we react according to what is “correct” or what the “reason” tell us to do, we can call this the conscious level according to Dr. Freud. But on the other hand in some sort of situations or moments, according to what Dr. Freud called the unconscious level, we are capable of free our most deep emotions and feelings leaving aside the reason, and acting in a very primitive way. In both cases, these schemes are a predictable behavior or reaction that could be found and several times reproduced in different cultures with different structures. This is a never ending fight between reason and feelings.
In order to clarify my point of view I will use some examples from the play Oedipus The King: A) The intelligence and wisdom of Oedipus I think, is the representation of our desire to control things according to our own schemes, we have to be in control of everything that we are capable of, we neglect our subconscious that in this case is the prophecy and we just try to avoid this kind of situations as possible with all of our will. But, what causes more anxiety is that we very deep know that we have to fight our subconscious desires because they can show at any moment. For example: Page 749: Iocaste: Why should anyone in this world be afraid, since fate rules us (Subconscious) and nothing can be foreseen? A man should live only for the present day (The satisfaction of emotions and feelings (subconscious more than reason Conscious because we are not responsible for what we decided, it is our fate) have no more fear of sleeping with your mother: how many