"Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset."-Chapter 3, Pg. 41…
Everyone makes mistakes and has flaws – not even famous celebrities are perfect. With all of the social networking, growth of the internet, and all other media sources, these mistakes by the people we adore are blown out of proportion and shared with the world. In the Ancient Greek Tragic play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, the reader learns about the tragic flaw and downfall of Oedipus. While reading, he/she begins to think about all of the celebrities that have also had a flaw which led to a major downfall. Tiger Woods and Oedipus are very similar in that they were both on top of the world but each had tragic flaws which lead to their downfall and exile from the world that they ruled.…
Sophocles, writer of Oedipus the King, compresses the dramatic reveal of the true destiny and origin of birth to Oedipus all in one day. Oedipus’s search for the truth creates a storyline of anticipation and intensity. The play focuses on human weakness, human suffering and man’s inability to change his destiny. Though the audience can see between the lines early on, the knowledge allows them to feel pity for Oedipus as the real revelation of himself is gradually unveiled. In his poems, Aristotle outlined the necessities of a good tragedy exclaiming a tragedy must evoke pity and fear in its viewers. A tragic hero, according to Aristotle, must be a man who is superior to the average man in some way. In Oedipus's…
According to McManus (1999), “In a perfect tragedy, character will support plot, i.e., personal motivations will be intricately connect parts of the cause-and-effect chain of actions producing pity and fear in the audience” (Paragraph 5). The pity and fear in Oedipus is apparent throughout the story. Peter Struck (2009) states, “Oedipus dynamic and multi-faced character emotionally bonds the audience; his tragic flaw forces the audience to fear for him, without losing any respect; and his horrific punishment elicits a great sense of pity from the audience”(Paragraph 5). This pity helps reinforce the idea of a tragic hero, because Oedipus is not responsible for his flaws. Pity is displayed through multiple actions. One way pity is displayed is through Oedipus’ pleas to the god’s for forgiveness. Pity is also displayed as Oedipus punishes himself as well as receives punishment from Creon. According to Struck (2009), “In effect, Oedipus is dead, for he receives no benefits for the living; at the same time, he is not dead by definition, and so his suffering cannot end” (Paragraph 4). Despite atoning for his wrongdoings, Oedipus continues to suffer when the play ends. He suffers in the fact that he is blind and everything he once had and knew is no longer true for him. Oedipus blinds himself in order to pay for the sins that he committed against his family. This shows that Oedipus is not a coward and is able…
“Tragedy is an imitation not of men but of a life, an action…” (Aristotle). Greek Tragedy was invented five hundred years Before Common Era, and focuses on the actions of characters. These actions emphasize the harsh reality in which the innocent mankind lives in. In Oedipus the King, Oedipus is defined as one with great potential, but has a hamartia leading to the ultimate demise of himself. Oedipus’ actions are tragic, as he tries to make the right choice but fails. He was dealt a hand that would only lead him to lose. Furthermore, Sophocles develops Oedipus as a relatable character which allows for catharsis to occur. Aristotle’s, The Poetics, explains the necessary components to create a powerful Tragedy. Oedipus the King is a powerful representation of Aristotle’s ideas on tragedy, so the purpose, protagonist, fall, and plot elements in Oedipus the King demonstrate the concepts of tragedy written in The Poetics.…
As the children address Oedipus with remarks such as “You are not one of the immortal gods, we know; Yet we have come to you to make our prayer as to the man surest in mortal ways and wisest in the ways of God.” (1. Prologue. 35. 43.), the audience can understand Oedipus's role as king and the respect to his power, as with an irony on the fate bestowed upon our hero. As the fate of Oedipus is that of the tragic hero, Aristotle's descriptions of simple and complex plots within a tragedy lead to such “events that are fearful and pathetic" (Aristotle. 70). As Aristotle said that a tragedy should evoke two emotions: terror and pity, such that the audience is aroused with these feelings with the fate of Oedipus, but can relate and understand logically how such events took place.…
In the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles (rpt. in James P. Place, Literature: A reader for Freshman Composition II, 1st ed. [Boston: Pearson, 2011] 122-168), the oracles had prophesied that Oedipus would kill his father and beget children by his mother. Oedipus does not want to do the things that Apollo predicted; he is no puppet, but indeed the controller of his own fate. Oedipus was unwilling to have his fate come true; he was frightened that he would kill his adopted parents. He believes they were his real parents, therefore he left to Thebes. The decision he made was based on the stories he heard. This led to Oedipus’s own downfall.…
In all the passages that have been written through history on how an excellent man should behave, one writing stands out from all of them. Aristotle’s, The High-Minded Man. This manuscript explains that for any play to be truly considered a tragedy, its hero must meet Aristotle’s standards for a high-minded man. In the tragedy of Oedipus Rex, by Sophacles, Oedipus clearly meets the requirements to be called a high-minded man. Oedipus is expressive about his thoughts, exceptionally important in society, and lastly an honorable man.…
* showcase your critical thinking skills through analysis and insight and must demonstrate control of the topic at hand.…
My contribution to the Faculty Development Blog for the Office of Instructional Design and Educational Technology Department will be done on my African American Studies 100 class. African American Studies 100 - (AAS 100: Intro to Afric Amer Studies) introduce the major disciplines and topics that comprise African American studies. . This course examines some of the essential themes and concerns in the study of peoples of African descent. Furthermore AAS100 will emphasis on the ideas of black social thought, political protest and efforts to create social change through texts, videos and audio speeches. About one half of this course covers the historical foundations and background to the modern black experience, from the struggle against slavery to the Harlem Renaissance. The second half of AA100 focuses on the past seventy years, from the Great Depression to the twenty-first century. According to Introduction to African-American Studies (n.d.).…
However, if the people chose not to speak up and were covering up for a family or friend they will be banished and not spoken to or able to attend religious activities. He will be cursed and live a life in misery. Oedipus summoned Tiresias as suggested by Creon and also the chorus. When Oedipus asked Tiresias of whom the murderer is, Tiresias refuses to say anything and…
“Oedipus the King” was a tale depicting the human experience; each human has a great victory, shortly accompanied by a great demise; the rollercoaster of life. Oedipus had his great success soon become the reason for his fall. With Oedipus’ deadly flaw being ‘hubris’; his excessive pride led him to believe he was on the level of ‘gods’. Once he paraded that he was invulnerable (untouchable by even the gods), his fall would be all the more tragic. Throughout the tale however, Oedipus uses many rhetorical devices towards all his subjects without even recognizing.…
1. After Oedipus blinds himself I think that he does show his previous pride. I was surprised when he blinded himself after seeing his wife/mother dead as she committed suicide. When he came out in front of the public he displayed his pride as confidently as he had when he could see. He wanted the public to know about what he has done, i.e. killing his father and marrying his mother, and he demands to receive the punishment that any normal citizen would receive. He shows his self-confidence after his blinding because even when he is blind he shouts, “’open the doors, someone: show me to all the people of Thebes…’” (Knox 94), which shows that even though he is physically impaired, he has enough confidence that he can leave his home and reveal his face. Usually when a person has more power, such as Oedipus did as King, they expect to be treated differently, but Oedipus expected to be treated like a citizen would be treated for his crimes. From my personal opinion, I think that Oedipus seems completely defeated by the blinding. On page 95 Oedipus says, “Darkness, dark cloud all around me, enclosing me, unspeakable darkness…”. Darkness has a known connotation for depression and sadness. This sentence is very negative and he uses dark words that express his sadness and guilt. Depression is normally linked with darkness and clouds, compared to sun as happy, and when he used “darkness” and “dark cloud” it is evident that Oedipus is crushed to find that what the prophets had said was true. While Oedipus has the same level of confidence, I believe, from the context, that he is distraught over the recent events.…
In Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the new king of Thebes after the former king, Laius, was killed. Thebes has been cursed, and a prophet of the god Apollo tells Oedipus that Laius' killer must be banished from Thebes. Oedipus begins on a disastrous quest to find the assassin, and finds that he is the one he seeks. He pierces his eyes and tries to kill himself, and is banished from Thebes at the end of the play. Oedipus realizes his foolishness at the end of the play, comparing his lack of wisdom to blindness. Tiresias the blind prophet “sees” more than Oedipus, who has his sight. This idea of sight and blindness is a major theme in Oedipus the King.…
Throughout many stories, characters have a certain opinion of themselves, or a certain way they view themselves, yet by the end of the story, they realize they are not who they thought they were. In the play Oedipus the King written by Sophocles this is exactly what happens. Oedipus is seen as the most tragic character because, in the beginning of the play he sees himself as a great, and intelligent man, although by the end of the play, Oedipus realizes his ignorance.…