CE 32002
Oedometer Laboratory Testing Report
Group 13 Jordan Lowth Edwin Mwombeki Girven Venyen Division of Civil Engineering University of Dundee
School of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics University of Dundee Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION 3 2.0 AIM 4 3.0 METHODOLOGY 4 3.1 Apparatus 4 3.2 Setup 4 3.3 Procedure 5 3.4 Precautions 5 4.0 RESULTS/CALCULATIONS 6 5.0 DISCUSSION 6 5.1 Voids ratio, consolidation parameters and pre-consolidation pressure 6 5.2 Constrained modulus, coefficient of consolidation and permeability 7 5.3 Error Analysis 8 6.0 CONCLUSION 9 7.0 REFERENCES 9 8.0 APPENDIX 10
Long term settlement in clayey soils has posed a challenge to engineers for literally thousands of years. Predicting this settlement is not an easy task, but by analysing the soil on the proposed build site, engineers can get a better understanding of how the soil will react under compression, what needs to be done to make the soil suitable and whether it is worth building on the site at all. Knowing how soil on a potential building site will react under compression is essential for obvious reasons. Apart from possibly damaging the structural integrity of a building in extreme cases, settlement can also cause unsightly cracks and other faults that affect the serviceability of the construct.
Consolidation is the gradual reduction in volume of a fully saturated soil of low permeability. Consolidation occurs due to the generation of an excess pore water pressure. Totally consolidation is achieved when the excess pore pressure in the soil is completely dissipated. [1] (Craig’s soil Mechanics, 7th edition).
In simpler terms, consolidation is the compression of a soil due to an increase in the effective stress and the removal of water from the soil. This increase in effective stress
References: Craig soil mechanics 7th edition Evaluation and interpretation of soil consolidation test by Carl B. Crawford Evaluation of consolidation parameters of cohesive soils by Rohit Raj (August 2007) 8.0 APPENDIX