"When a woman walks down a crowded sidewalk in revealing clothing, she is forcing herself on every man nearby." Nathan Salo Tumberg
This is so true! A girl that is presenting herself in this way will be treated differently than the girl in the modest shirt and jeans.
"One in three people believe a woman is responsible for violence committed against her if she is wearing 'revealing clothing '."
This also refers back to the idea that if a women is presenting herself in a revealling way they will get a response from the male population. On the contrary, the men in the situation also does have an effect. If he is a gentlemen he will treat you as a women. if he is the type that goes to the striper bar every night he will treat you how he treats the stripers.
In conclusion, Of Mice and Men suggests one view of this statement and I suggest it can be taken in multiple ways. It depends on the people in the situation.
How is Curley 'sWife presented in 'Of Mice and Men '? Do you find her portrayal a sympathetic one? In of mice and men, Curleys Wife is presented in many various ways. At first impression, she comes across as the seductive,