November 28, 2013 Hopes and Dreams in Of Mice and Men Set during the era of The Great Depression, Of Mice and Men focuses on two migrant workers, George and Lennie with dreams of one day possessing their own farm and living on their own. As their adventure leads them to a little ranch called Soledad, they meet people like Crooks, the stable-buck, and Curley’s wife, the boss’ son’s wife. They reveal how they hold onto their lost dreams from the past. Without hopes and dreams, life would have no meaning. What’s the point of living without there being a motivation or goal to strive for success? Hopes and dreams have the power to give people a reason to keep on going. This is shown through the characters of George and Lennie; their dream is to be on their own. Curley’s wife; her dream was to become a famous actress, and Crooks’ dream is to be treated equally like everyone else.
Curley’s wife’s dream is to become a movie star but her dream didn’t become a reality due to her being married to Curley. Although, she still fantasizes about what could have happened to her. She explains to Lennie, “I tell you I ain’t used to livin’ like this. I coulda made somethin’ of myself. Maybe I will yet” (Steinback 88). Curley’s wife is so obsessed with the idea of her being famous when really, she’s stuck on the farm with her husband. Also, she seems to be hating her life living alone and miserable with Curley when
Yassine 2 she could have be living out her dream like she said, “Well, a show came through, an’ I met one of the actors. He says I could go with that show. But my ol’ lady wouldn’t let me. If I’d went, I wouldn’t be livin’ like this” (88). That proves how much Curley’s wife dislikes her life on the farm and how her dream keeps her going even though her opportunity is