The book Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck that my English 10 class had to read impacted my life. Of Mice and Men has impacted my life more than other books have. Of Mice and Men impacted my life because it is actually among the very few books that I like that I have read. I liked the book Of Mice and Men because of the book’s description and detail. There are many parts in Of Mice and Men that showed symbolisms if you paid close enough attention to the book.
Of Mice and Men helped me look at some of the culture and behavior of the elder Americans. Of Mice and men had also shown to me that anybody can be friends no matter how big the difference between the two. The life lessons that can be gathered from
the book Of Mice and Men even if the scenarios were made up can show you by your own imagination that you need to think to the best of your ability to get out of a situation or place if things ever got hard to explain or handle. The book also impacted me by making me feel as if I were placed in the book seeing the author’s art on the pages. Of Mice and Men showed me that not every book is boring because Of Mice and Men had exciting and blood rushing parts in the book.
Of Mice and Men also had very exciting points in it which made the book even better for my taste in literature. The book also shows others how how some people are not what they seem to be because it took me a bit to catch on that Lenny actually liked to kill animals which was offsetting to me because at first I just thought he was accidentally killing them. The teacher in my class helped me understand parts in the book and what they symbolized by kindly reviewing the book during class. The book was very fun and interesting to read towards the end, which impacted me by showing me that there are some books that I might like. My favorite part in the book was how at the very end of the book something that you would never expect to occur happens in the very end Of Mice and Men, which was very clever and well enjoyed by me because of the way John Steinbeck wrote the book.