The relationship between george and lennie had their ups and downs, Lennie’s problems would always seem to get them in trouble. Lennie wasn’t the smartest in the world so he often needed help with his…
George has a job as a ranch hand out on the ranch. He does a little bit of everything. From making sure that the animals are in good health, and to helping the boss with anything he needs. George even watches over the slaves, to make sure they are doing what they need to be doing and are staying away from the whites. He carries a lot of responsibilities! He is also doing Lennie’s job at the same time. As we found out very quickly, Lennie is not the best at doing the task, due to his mental illness. He doesn’t know his strength, and tends to hurt/kill people and animals. Lennie has a heart of gold, and means absolutely no harm.…
Lennie doesn’t try to cause problems, but he gets scared easily and doesn’t know what to do. George explains: “Well, that girl rabbits in an’ tells the law she been raped. The guys in Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie.” (pg. 42) George was talking about when Lennie touched a girl’s dress in Weed and scared the girl, so they had to run away from their job so they wouldn’t get killed. Incidents like that happened a lot according to George, and he gets very angry at Lennie because of this. It is a burden for George to lose every job he gets because of Lennie.…
In chapter one of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men George is protective over Lennie, which means that George cares for him. In a conversation that George and Lennie have, Lennie questions if he should stay with George. George responded by saying “‘Where the hell would you go?’” (Steinbeck 12). Even though George sounds a little rude or harsh to Lennie, he really does not want Lennie to leave him. George also says “‘I was jus’ foolin’, Lennie. ‘Cause I want you to stay with me.” (13). George realizes that he was being mean to Lennie, even though he was joking, and he wants Lennie to know that George still likes him and wants him to stay. The way George treats Lennie makes me think that George is protective over him and that George really does…
“I seen guys that go around on the ranches alone. That ain’t no good. They don’t have no fun. After a long time they get mean. They wantin’ to fight all the time.”(Steinbeck, 41). In the novel “Of Mice and Men” By John Steinbeck, we learn about George Milton and his Companion Lennie Small they are two men traveling town to town looking for work in the 1930s Great Depression. Until they end up at a ranch up in soledad that is really mean and cruel and this rance splits these two apart forever. A major theme in the novel is when someone is alone their hopes and dreams die and a person grows bitter and mean because life didn’t go the way they wanted it to go. The author uses symbolism and foreshadowing to thoroughly show the theme by making suspense and an emotional connection to the characters and their dreams.…
It was his decision to take on this "challenge" and take care of a nearly helpless grown man. Although he has positive feelings towards him, he advances the novel with his leadership and frustration over Lennie. Furthermore, George's constant conflicts with Lennie makes George seem as if he feels responsible for all of Lennie's actions. For instance, George is constantly complaining about how Lennie is a burden on him ― "I got you! You can't keep a job and you lose me ever' job I got!" (11). George isn't strong enough to leave Lennie, so he has to put on a happy face and stick with it. However, deep down he is frustrated, and that anger comes out sometimes, as shown here. Lennie's behavior causes George frustration and anger, which causes George to not consider Lennie's side of any situation. Upon George coming back from leaving Lennie home, George says, "Jesus, seems like I can't go away for one minute" (83). George's personality expresses both deep care and frustration with Lennie and his actions. George doesn't necessarily trust him enough to leave him alone, he sees the letdown coming ahead. However, he feels the need to give himself a break from Lennie's constant needy attitude. George is treating Lennie like disciplining a child, however, this may not be the right approach. Even if Lennie's mind is thinking like a child, nothing else about him is childish and everyone else in their environment sees him as nothing but a man. George has a difficulty understanding Lennie's emotions when all he desires is for Lennie to "behave" for him. George is responsible for Lennie's actions because he is like Lennie's parent all of the time, and if George is controlling every aspect of Lennie's life he is ultimately responsible for his…
George had a every big responsibility taking care of him and Lennie. George was taking care of a child not a adult. Lennie didn’t really know what was wrong and what was right just like a little kid. So when Lennie gets in trouble he doesn’t understand what he does. All Lennie wanted was to pet soft stuff. When Lennie would get in trouble so would George because…
Throughout the novella George protects Lennie to much. His mental retardation was a problem that couldn’t be solved, however learning experience would have benefitted Lennie and helped him understand situations better, rather than George repeatedly protecting him every step of his life. He was always responsible for Lennie and that shouldn’t have been the case. Humans should fend for themselves, if everyone picks us up everytime we will never learn how to fend on our own. What George did is exactly what someone’s not suppose to do and that’s repeatly pick someone back up. We saw in Of men and mice what happens when one does that. Lennie just keep doing what he was doing because George never punished him for it. Instead George protected Lennie throughout the whole novella. For example, when George shoots Lennie in the back of the head at the end of the novella. “Look down there acrost the river, like you can almost see the place.” (103). George even brings comfort to Lennie in his final moments. Lennie never learned how to fend for himself and that was the demise of…
The novel “Of Mice and Men” written by John Steinbeck explains the importance of having someone with you when you’re the loneliest and when you have all this economic crisis raising into the climax. At times life blesses us with experiences that instill feelings of happiness and joy, in which we are able to celebrate life and all it could offer us. Other times life hits us in the face, letting us endure hardships, sadness, depression and loss. Most may argue that “Of Mice and Men” is either intended to celebrate the joys of life or meant to be a depressing book. Yet what most fail to see is that “Of Mice and Men” portrays both aspects of human life through the mutual friendship of two uncommonly men, George and Lennie, the dream they both share, and the sudden calamity that befell them.…
Of Mice and Men follows the “unlikely pair” George and Lennie as they “cling together in the face of loneliness and alienation” in the 1930’s (Steinbeck,1937). Like most single men during the economically struggling 1930s, both were migrant laborers in the American west vegetable fields, with other laborers, as they work hard to earn enough money to achieve their dream of being independent and owning an acre of land and a shack (Steinbeck, 1937). However, to other laborers on the ranch, George and Lennie’s companionship is considered out of place and suspicious, since most either consider others as competition, “dead weight”, or feel that they are more likely to succeed independently; even the ranch owner asks George “…what stake you got in this guy? You takin’ his pay away from him?” and George expresses that he is not to which the Boss replies: “Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. I just like to know what your interest is.” (Steinbeck, 1937, p. 22). This conveys that the Boss was perplexed by George and Lennie’s affiliation that he became suspicious of George taking advantage of Lennie being mentally challenged, rather than reasoning that George and Lennie just do not want to be by themselves. Steinbeck also utilizes this novel to reflect on how loneliness impacted minor characters to juxtapose the advantages…
Lennie and George’s relationship is troublesome simply due to Lennie’s failure in remembrance and understanding. This occurs many times in the story and also occurs many times in life causing a person to have a lot of pent up anger because they feel the person is being inconsiderate and inattentive. Lennie’s inattentiveness irritates George. When Lennie asks, “Where we going George?” George replies, “So you forgot that awready did you!? I gotta tell you again, do I? You’re a crazy bastard!” (4). George is caused frustration Many times due to his lack of patience by Lennie’s absent-mindedness. At this point, George and Lennie are beginning their new journey for work because Lennie previously got them in trouble. He touched a woman inappropriately causing them to lose their job in Weed and get in lots of trouble. Lennie can’t resist touching soft and unfamiliar materials…
The crave for companionship is a key theme present throughout John Steinbeck’s novella, Of Mice and Men. The great depression is no help when trying to find or keep friendships alive in the rural, country areas of America. George and Lennie depict what true companionship is all about when sticking together through thick and thin. Being the only black man living on the ranch, Crooks finds it hard to relate with others, finding himself separated from the other men. The relationship between Curley and his wife is merely just an unstable marriage that lacks true meaning and love. Desire in many forms is found throughout…
Throughout the story you can obviously tell Lennie has a mental disorder or disease like autism and back in this time frame George couldn’t of known how to deal with a person with this disease. People did not know these diseases and symptoms because people who had these disorders were sent to insane asylums and they were sent to these places because doctors believed these people could not function mentally or physically in the real world. George didn’t know that Lennie had one of these diseases, he knew something was wrong with him, but he did not know how to handle Lennie’s actions but that never stopped George for being there for him. George even said that they were special because they had each other and most workers are alone throughout their life, but they have each other to look out for. George was always the one to defend Lennie and get him out of incidents that Lennie wouldn’t of even known he got himself into. George took a lot of falls for Lennie like being fired from jobs and having to run from town to town because of Lennie’s actions so you can never say that George was not loyal to Lennie because he said he would always take care of him in the first place. George could of left Lennie at any time throughout the story, he even vocalized that he would be better off alone, but he will always keep Lennie at his side because he made a promise to…
In John Steinbeck’s novella, Of Mice and Men, he displays loneliness through the thoughts and actions of the characters. There were several characters in the book that faced loneliness in different ways. The ranch workers travel alone from ranch to ranch and according to George, “Guys like us, that us that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world .”, because ranch workers are never able to settle down (Steinbeck 15) The characters in Steinbeck’s novella try to find company in objects or people. George and Lennie have each other to keep them company and the ranchers find it odd to see two men traveling together. Steinbeck is trying to say that people need a companion in life because people want…
.The novel Of Mice and Men was written by John Steinbeck. In Soledad, California during the Great Depression in the 1930's two men of the one named George and the other named Lennie were men who travel around working at ranches. George is the small, quick-witted one, and Lennie is the big, slow, dumb and extremely strong one. They have a dream, to have a little place all to themselves, without anyone bothering them. Their dreams are shattered though, when Lennie, who doesn't know his own strength, gets in trouble. In the pursuit of love, happiness and the American dream, man becomes a victim of his own circumstances and discovers that the good life becomes impossible for humanity to obtain and contains many flaws. Lennie and George represents Cain and Able a biblical story who were two brothers searching for their elusive dream. In the story of Cane and Abel ,Cane was to take care of Able .Both brothers were to prepare and offering to God to receive His blessing. When God came to look upon that offering God asked Cane were is Abel .In curiosity and furiousness Cane asked God" Am I my brothers keeper?" Just like in the story of Cane and Abel ,George is Lennies keeper ,George is consistently watching over Lennie no matter where they go .In the story of Cane and Abel,Cane was furious with God because God had asked of his brother .Cane prepared his offering just for the fact of the knowledge that he was to receive blessings in return.Those who are more able should take care of those who are not able to complete tasks in life.But in order in being capabable of doing that one must have patience and faith in that matters and struggles that a person has to go throught with one other.In similarity George was at guidance for Lennie at the main fact because he had a pitty upon Lennie and a guilty conscious . He stayed by Lennies side and expectations which was to live the normal "American Lifew"Having their own piece of…