Chapter 1
Setting : It is a hot Thursday, late in the afternoon. The characters are four miles south of Soledad. They stop right by the Salinas River, a beautiful river in rural California surrounded by woods that have a warn path through them that runs to the river from the ranches and farms. There is a giant sycamore near them with a horizontal limb worn smooth by men who have sat on it, and under it is the ash pile of many fires. It is a very peaceful and heavenly setting. New Characters : George Milton : Described as being small, quick, dark of face, wiry, with restless eyes; everything about him is defined, bony, sharp and strong. He looks out for Lennie's safety, although he loses his temper at Lennie easily. He often goes on long rants about how life would be easier without Lennie, but he actually likes having him around. (FOIL of Lennie) Lennie Small : Described as being huge, shapeless, with sloping shoulders, pale eyes, slow moving and awkward. He has a mild mental disability and therefore acts childish and has an innocent air about him. He gets George out of work frequently, but is almost blindly devoted to his friend. (FOIL of George) Plot Summary : George and Lennie are headed to the ranch where they are supposed to start work the next day. The bus driver …show more content…
Things that happen : George gets worried because he finds a can of lice powder; George asks Candy about the boss; the boss questions George and Lennie and gets suspicious; George and Lennie are assigned to work under Slim, picking up barley with the threshing machine; Candy overhears George getting mad at Lennie; Curly appears, looking for his father; Curley's wife appears, looking for her husband; Slim enters and is impressed by the friendship of Lennie and George; the triangle rings for dinner, leaving Lennie excited at the idea of a puppy to