The novel “Of mice and men” opens with two migrant workers, George Milton and Lennie Small who are on their way to harvest an available job. Lennie is a great strength guy but has problem with soft thing and George who is intelligent, has to take care of Lennie. After being hired, they meet Candy, old swamper who has an old loyal dog and Curley, the boss’s son who doesn’t like Lennie. When Candy overhears the conversation between George and Lennie about their dream, he suggests to join with them. Not long after, their happiness is obscured when Curley perturbs with Lennie but he doesn’t fight back until George tells him to do it. After that, he catches Curley’s fist and breaks it easily. George doesn’t happy when Lennie and Candy discuss about their plan with Crooks and he asks to work without payment. The next day, when Lennie is squirming with dead puppy, Curley’s shows up and confides about her life. Lennie becomes frightened and accidently kills her. Nevertheless, George unhappily realises that their dream is at the end, he then shoots Lennie in the back of head so that his death will be indolent. …show more content…
After talks with Lennie, George kills him. I'm not sure if what George does is right or not because nothing is certainly. However, nobody knows what problems Lennie can brings to George next. Therefore, if he kill Lennie, he can live a better life with a job, has his own ranch and a girlfriend. It's a way for George to rescue from trouble. On the other hand, will George feels happy and relieved after kills his friend? He will feel guilty for the rest of his life.
What future do you see for George?
In my opinion, he will feel relieved for a while but then his feeling will be full of guilty. After shot Lennie, George will receives beloved from Curley. Then he may has stable life, a ranch owned by him, a wife. But he will lives the rest of his life with the feeling