were once in love before he left for war. He was in war for years and during this time there he had not heard anything from Daisy and their relationship became distant and it has been years since they have seen each other. He had been dreaming of seeing her again one day and the whole purpose of throwing large parties was to grasp her attention in hope she would come to at least one of his parties. Finally after he realized Nick and Daisy were cousins, he came up with a plan to have Nick invite her to his house and Gatsby will surprising come over. Gatsby dreamt of seeing her for years and he dreamed they would be surrounded with flowers, warm weather and she would be so happy to see him. "One of the papers said they thought the rain would stop about four" said Gatsby sadly because it was not as he had planned. The day of the tea party with Nick and Daisy it was cold and rainy and Daisy even showed up late and not very happy. Reality did not cooperate with Gatsby, but was given an opportunity to talk alone with Daisy for hours. Gatsby's perfect dream of seeing did not go as planned, but he was given an opportunity to see her and catch up again. After that day Gatsby dreamt even more about his future with her. He dreamt of a future in Louisville alone and married to Daisy and they spent the rest of their lives there. This time Gatsby was not given a golden opportunity to leave with Daisy, but he was given time to spend with her until his untimely death as he fell into his pool listening to the sound of the phone ringing. George and Lennie's dream did not become reality either.
The two of them dreamt of a perfect farm rich with animals and crops and it was just the two of them without anyone they needed to report to. Reality did not cooperate with dreams and hopes for a better life. Lennie was confronted with temptations and obstacles and George was left to cover up Lennie's mistakes. George also had a dream of wanting to be away from Lennie and to relieve himself of the responsibility to take care of Lennie. "If I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an' work, an' no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the month come I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever I want" said George. George's dream did not quite turn out the way he had planned or hoped. In the end he realized enough was enough and Lennie could no longer behave the way of not listening. George may have disliked Lennie at times, but Lennie was his best friend and never wanted to harm him. Lennie especially had deep long planned dreams that just did not turn into a reality for either of them. Reality is unplanned events that do not always fall the way people want unlike dreams which are imaginary perfect places we want to
be. Celie hated her life, hated where she lived and hated Mr. ____. She had numerous dreams of her living a better life far away from Mr. ____ and his entire family. When she met Shug Avery she became instantly jealous and dreamt of being just like her one day. "Shug likes honey. And now I'm just like a bee" said Celie. She just wanted to be free and not have to follow anyone's orders ever again. She dreamt of being famous and free, but that did fully come true. It wasn't until later in her life that she finally left Mr. ____ and opened up her own shop in town. Her dream of being free came true, but not quite as it was planned in her dreams. Reality helped to her achieve a better life even though it was not what she had planned or thought of before. Shug Avery gave Celie to the courage to make her dreams a reality. Reality does not cooperate with your dreams, but you can cooperate with reality to make a dream come true or at least a part of a dream to become reality. Dreams are perfect goals we strive to achieve. We can have goals of living somewhere or getting a certain job or marrying a certain person. Reality cannot be controlled, but it can be worked with and use what is presented by to us and use that to make dreams a reality. Reality does not help everyone achieve their goals, but it gives everyone opportunities to work towards their goals in life. Dreams give people motivation to make the most of the opportunities given to them by reality.