George and Lennie’s friendship is long lasting and important for Lennies survival and for George’s sanity. Lennie depends on George to provide all the basic necessities of life. …show more content…
Candy loved his dog very much and they were the best of friends. Candy had got the dog at a very young age; “Had him since he was a pup. I herded sheep with him”(44). They spent a lot of time together and if was a difficult decision to put the dog down. In addition, candy would not leave his bed after his dog was killed. Candy was upset about the passing of his dog. Candy would leave his bed or talk to anyone; “Candy lay rigidly on his bed staring at the ceiling”(48). It was hard for Candy to see a long time friend die and move on without him. Candy and his dog had a special friendship that no will ever replace or even come close.
The effect of friendship and relationships in Of Mice an Men affect the characters in their actions and emotions. George and Lennie depend on each other for their survival and sanity. Crooks is lonely because of his skin color and disability. Candy is lonely because of the recent loss of his dog who was his long time companion. Friendships are important so make the most of them and enjoy them while they