George loved Lennie and Promised Aunt Clara that he would look after him. Lennie had previously got in trouble. Curley would have got Lennie lynch anyway and he would have done it in a gruesome manner and inflicted pain on him. George wouldn’t have been able to stand there and just watch, he took the decision to kill Lennie himself, this not being an easy task itself. What he thinks what has happened is that he has underestimated Lennies strength and due to this previous occasion and Lennie mental state he could kill again easily. The jury wouldn’t understand as it was every man for himself at this time, Lennie and George where very close.…
George made the correct decision by killing Lennie. Lennie’s death was unavoidable by Curley, due to the fact that he killed Curley’s wife. George knew that if Curley ever made contact with Lennie, he would make his death slow and terrifying, so George decided to shoot him while Lennie was thinking about his dream.…
“ I’m gonna shoot the guts outta that big bastard myself, even if I only got one hand,” (Steinbeck pg. 98). Obviously, Curley was ready to kill Lennie with a torturous death. Furthermore, George did choose the wise decision. Lennie had the mind of a child in a adult’s body. He was not…
Of Mice and Men After reading the story Of Mice and Men, I agreed with George's decision however unethical it may seem. I do not fully condone the death sentence but my opinion still stands. As I will explain, it seems George had no other decision but to take the actions he did to ensure Lenny wouldn't be killed by strangers cruelly and painfully. In a way it was his responsibility. I will explain my reasoning for this line of thought.…
The first reason that George's decision was justified is because no one wants to see their best friend killed in front of their own eyes. George knew that if the mob got to Lennie before he did, then he would be dead no doubt. So he ran as fast as he could to the spot where George said if Lennie ever got in trouble to go to. George took the gun from where Curley put it and went off to their spot. Even Slim thought that George needed to kill him “Never you mind,’ said Slim. ‘A guy got to sometimes.” Obviously, George did not want Lennie to die but he realizes it is him or them.…
Some people might think that George is not a true friend to Lennie. They might think this because George kills Lennie. George could have run away with Lennie instead of killing him, or he could have let Lennie run away on his own. He killed Lennie because it was the best option he had. The mob could have found Lennie, and Lennie would just mess up again. Also he killed him peacefully, which is better than any other form of death and a sign of compassion. If George didn’t kill Lennie Curley’s mob would have killed him in a more painful way, which George would not…
George had made the right decicion to shoot Lennie as he would have faced worse consequences. If you were in a similar situation, would you want to be the one to kill your best friend, or have a stranger do it?In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck tells the story of two best friends living life on the run, struggling to keep a steady job working as ranch hands. George and Lennie are faced with many obstacles throughout the course of this book, beginning with Lennie and his slow mindedness, George is always side by side with Lennie, practically holding his hand to coach him through life. The story begins with the two men running away from Weed, the ranch they were previously employed at; we later find that George and Lennie had to flee after Lennie had touched a ladies dress and made her feel uncomfortable. Upon arrival at the new ranch, George had told Lennie to stay away from Curley’s wife, Lennie disobeyed George and similar trouble has followed…
“In any moment of decision, The best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” Teddy Roosevelt. In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, towards the ending (spoiler) one of the main characters, George, has to kill his best friend Lennie after he accidentally kills Curley's wife because she was screaming and he got scared, and broke her neck, killing her. The quote from the beginning relates to this in that George did the right thing killing Lennie after what he did, The question is though, is it justified for George to kill Lennie to save him from the lynch mob heading for his lead by Curly himself. the argument that it was that it was justified, because he was going to do it as an act of mercy, he was thinking about how he could not save Lennie from society and vice versa, and that George could never make money and get Lennie his “American dream”…
Many believe that it is immoral if George to kill Lennie. Despite the fact that he is killing him and killing is thought to be morally forbidden, one needs to understand why he thinks its the best thing to do. George is doing what he thinks is right. It is not immoral of George to kill Lennie.…
First of all, George is right to kill Lennie because George wants to protect Lennie from suffering a painful death. If Lennie is caught…
My first reason for believing that George did the right thing is to speculate on what may have happened if he had not killed Lennie. Curley didn’t hold much affection for his wife, and from the moment he’s introduced in the book, its clear he is against Lennie. He has always been bitter about his size and strength and ever since Lennie crushed his hand he has been waiting for some excuse to get him back. ‘I’ll kill the big son-of-a-bitch myself. I’ll shoot ‘im in the guts.’ If George had not mercifully killed Lennie in the most painless way possible, he would have been brutally killed by Curley in revenge for his wife’s murder. Lennie got the closest any of them ever could to the dream of having their own…
At any point of time, George could have left Lennie in the hands of the men that were after him, but George decided to help Lennie, and find them both a better life. Another example of George’s loyalty is shown during the time of the fight between Lennie and Curley,…
Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck) is a novel overflowing with friendship, colorful characters, vivid detail and yet a tragic storyline. George and Lennie are two guys that travel the country looking for work during the depression era. Given that Lennie is "not quite right", George must be accountable for Lennie's actions and take care of him. Throughout several sequence of events, George gives himself up to care for Lennie and his needs. Although the two do have a dream to buy a farm, George doesn't achieve it for reasons that may or may not be related to Lennie's mistakes. George is a rather tragic character because he could be very successful if he didn't have to look out for Lennie.…
Plus, George couldn't let them hurt his friend. He knew Lennie didn't mean to do the things he did and that Lennie had an illness. He couldn't help the things he did neither did he try to do them on purpose. But they however don't know Lennie like he did and didn't share the bond George and Lennie did. So, they didn't care how bad they would hurt him. They just wanted him to die because of him causing death upon a woman. George knew they wanted Lennie to suffer and George knew he couldn't live with that happening. So he took it upon him self and did his friend a favor. This killing happened because of ones mental illness and the euthanasia one had for another. On the other hand George could have just fled with Lennie instead of killing him but, it got to be to much for him so he ended it.…
For me it is hard to say whether this is justified or unjustified. I never believe that killing someone is the answer, but at the same time it was almost as if George was doing him a favor. He would have ended up in jail for committing murder or possibly died a slow miserable death from Curley. “The little evening breeze blew over the clearing and the leaves rustled and the wind waves flowed up the green pool. And the shouts of men sounded again, much time this closer than before,” (pg. 104). This was shortly before George pulled the trigger on Lennie. The men were coming after him, and George knew this. Euthanasia I feel like is justifiable in this case, and in fact pretty much all cases. Lennie didn’t mean to kill Curley’s wife, he didn’t realize his own strength and that was his tragic flaw. I don’t think punishing him would be the thing to do. He would never intentionally hurt anyone; he just didn’t realize how much strength he…