
Of Mice and Men Loneliness Essay

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Of Mice and Men Loneliness Essay
Of Mice and Men Essay:

‘Soledad’ means loneliness. Why is this relevant in ‘Of Mice and Men’?

The relevance of ‘Of Mice and Men’ being set in the town of Soledad comes from the parallels drawn between the meaning of the name ‘Soledad’ and the deeper sense of loneliness expressed through the characters of the novella. The symbolism of the loneliness that is associated with the town of Soledad establishes an underlying sense of loneliness in all characters. The author uses a variety of techniques to develop this underlying loneliness in each of the individual character’s lives. Such individual characterisation building on the loneliness established in the connotations of Soledad is evident in Curley’s wife, Crooks, George and Lennie, for the epitome of these characters’ isolation can be pinpointed to their time in Soledad.

Curley’s wife is an important element of the theme of loneliness expressed throughout the novella, ‘Of Mice and Men’. Unhappily married to an aggressive man, her only opportunity for interaction with others comes from the other men on the ranch, who believe her to be a ‘tart’. Her desperation for companionship is shown through her response to the men when she says, “I ain’t giving you no trouble. Think I don’t like to talk to somebody ever once in a while? Think I like to stick in this house alla time?” Here Steinbeck uses rhetorical questioning to convey the deep loneliness she experiences on the ranch and to call upon the responder to reflect on Curley’s wife’s situation, considering things from her point of view. She feels weak because of her situation, and therefore feels the need to lash out at others in order to assert her power over those weaker than herself. This is exemplified when she says to Crooks, “Listen, Nigger… I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.” The colloquial and explicit language in the direct speech conveys her cruelness towards Crooks, and the fact that she lashes out at Crooks to exhibit

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