English Language Submission 2014
Of Mice and Men:
Themes and ideas
Explore the ways communities are shown in the text you have studied.
Characterisation and voice
Explore the ways one or two minor characters are presented in the text you have studied.
Explore the ways a major theme of the text you have studied is presented and developed.
Explore the ways emotions are shown in the text you have studied.
Creative Pieces (any two from different columns):
Moving Images
Writing based on moving images. A newspaper invites young people to write articles about film or TV adverts they love or loathe. Write the piece you would send to the newspaper.
Responding to a given brief
‘And the Oscar goes to…’ …show more content…
Explore the ways power and authority shape spoken language. Explore the ways you adapt the language you use in a variety of digital communications. English Only Submission 2014:
Candidates must submit three written responses by referring to three texts in total: one play by Shakespeare, one text from a different culture and one text from the English Literary Heritage. If the different cultures text is prose then the ELH text must be poetry and vice versa.
Candidates must write about each text separately and there should be an equal balance between the three texts in their final submission.
Work should be produced under formal supervision in time totalling up to 4 hours.
When the curriculum talks about ‘Literary Heritage’ we work to the following definition: “authors with an enduring appeal which transcends the period in which they were writing”. To have ‘enduring appeal’ does not necessarily mean that the author must be dead.
So, Shakespeare, ELH poetry (can choose poems from Moon on the Tides so long as they are ELH) and Of Mice and Men:
Themes and ideas
Explore the ways aspects of power are shown in the texts you have studied.
Characterisation and voice
Explore the ways minor characters are