In both stories of “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote and “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by O’Connor, similarities and contrasts exist in their literacy forms. The characters in both stories are also comparable, although diverse at certain points. Several of the similarities ranges from foreshadowing, character simulation, and even the setting is similar since it envies' and harbor criminal incidences (O’Connor, 121). Characters have similar qualities that originate them advance their heinous acts. It’s evident when the two stories culminates with the unwarranted deaths of innocent individuals i.e. grandmother in cold blood and the Clutters by O’Connor’s story.…
Flannery O’Connor has written many short stories; two of the many are: “Revelation” and “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” In O’Connor’s stories, she makes the reader believe that the characters within the story are real, not mere vessels for the author's religious views. As the reader reads O’Connor’s stories, they may often think “ I feel like I know someone like that”. After a reader can connect with the story by comparing a character and a real life person, they are more likely to continue to read the story and possible other similar pieces of writing. When reading these two popular stories, it is very easy to compare them to real life people.…
In the beginning of the "Cathedral" the narrator comes off very prejudice. Raymond Carver says "my idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed." The narrators’ attitude towards the blind and how they live their life is very naive. Unlike her husband the narrators wife is understanding and compassionate. Although interactions between the two couple would suggest their marriage was in strife. As for Robert he is the blind man who joins the group already being good friends with the narrator’s wife. The narrator at first is uncomfortable around Robert. But as interactions between the two men progress the narrator is finally able to see what his wife saw in Robert the whole time. A kind and ordinary man, who was no different than you and…
Flannery O’Connor's two different short stories “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and “Greenleaf,” are dramatically different stories, but as you read the two it doesn't take long to put them, possibly, in the same category when referring to the characters in the stories, my claim is that both Mrs. May and the Misfit both suffered from psychological problems that affected their beliefs in whole.…
Flannery O’Connor gives you insight to the end of her story by using foreshadowing. The foreshadowing in "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" of the Grandmother's dress, making the trip to Florida towards a killer, O’Connor stating that, "In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was lady" and the graveyard are just a few things that allow you to predict the violence caused in the end by The Misfit. In Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” there are strong symbols and images that allow you to predict the inevitable events caused by The Misfit. The foreshadowing is just enough to where it is noticeable when read closely, but does not ruin the end of the story or take away the reader’s…
Cited: O’Conner, Flannery. “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry,…
In “Good Country People,” O’Connor foreshadowed the character’s personalities through their names. Manley Pointer, the bible salesman for example, lured Hulga into the barn and attempted to to advance on her sexually numerous times. His name is Manley Pointer and he is trying to use his manly pointer (penis) on a girl he had recently met, which reveals his true character as he isn’t the innocent bible seller people thought he was. Furthermore O’Connor’s foreshadowing through names is also shown through Mrs. Hopewell, who is a character of hope. In addition to that, O’Connor also foreshadows in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” through mentioning an escaped convict, The Misfit, early on in the story. By mentioning the criminal early on in the story, O’Connor foreshadows the family’s encounter with him. Moreover, O’Connor likewise foreshadows in “The Life You Save May Be Your Own,” Mr. Shiflet's true character through imagery early on within the story. As he greeted Lucynell and her daughter, Mr. Shiflet was depicted as forming a “crooked cross.” By saying that his figure formed a crooked cross, O’Connor foreshadows his facade of character, as he was simply there to get the…
Flannery O’Connor cleverly creates for us timeless short stories about simple characters that appear easy to understand. Beneath the words she manages to communicate an intricate message to us regarding faith, love and family. That we are bound together as families in love, even though we do not always like one another. In most families, we tolerate each other shortcomings, like the nagging and bossiness of the grandmother, and the rudeness of the children. We see in her characters, many of the good and bad behaviors that we all accept are the best and worst of each of us on an everyday basis. The impatience and cranky nature of the father in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and the fascination of parker with tattoos, are symbolic of many of the eccentric and crazy behaviors and habits that family members often exhibit. With faith in those we love, and a belief in God, we accept and tolerate the dichotomy of good and evil operating in all humans everyday.…
In the story the “Cathedral”, by Raymond Carver, the narrator, Bub is a man of unknowing stuff, and usually assumes things without knowing the knowledge of certain things. For example, Robert a blind man, who visited bub, and his wife, and bub didn’t like the feeling a blind man coming to his home. Robert knew bubs wife from the past from a place where they read stories to blind people. Later in the story bub notices his wife and Robert were talking, and laughing, and just having a good time, which bothered Bub. Lastly, in the story the narrator and Robert had connected in the end by having the narrator drawing the cathedral and having him closing his eyes and that the narrator realized how it feels to be blind and that’s he likes the feeling.…
Flannery O'Connor is the author of "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "Good Country People." She is best known for her southern gothic style of writing. The characters in her stories are grotesque and twisted people who often do heinous things. She was a very religious person, which is a reoccurring theme within in her writing. Out of both stories, "A Good Man is Hard to Find" is a better story based on the way the theme is presented, how the characters develop throughout the story and the tone.…
The narrator of Cathedral is many things; jealous, sarcastic, insensitive, inconsiderate, and overall just a bad person, he is also, surprisingly, a sympathetic character. While he exuberates many flaws and emotions that we do not readily show ourselves, this does not strike the fact that we can sympathise and relate to the narrator. In fact, it is the fact that he shows all of these flaws that make him a sympathetic character. The reason being is that he shows the emotions and flaws that humans, as a whole, want to show in any given situation, but choose not to out of compassion. Even though we do not react the same way the narrator would, it does not change the fact that often times we do feel like reacting in a similar manner that he would.…
The Misfit, is the criminal of the story, some people think that the Misfit, is only a killer, and has no morals, or thoughts of his own, but thought careful observation, we can see that the misfit is actually a man of morals, a good man, and a critical thinker. According to Gary Sloan the author of the article "O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find." He says that “…critics describe…
In the short story “Cathedral,” by Raymond Carver, the narrator draws a cathedral with his blind guest and transforms from a narrow-minded, materialistic, and superficial individual to an individual who acknowledges the spiritual aspects of life and the lives of those around him. Before the egoist narrator meets the blind man, Bub is so closed-minded, jealous, and materialistic that he does not want to help someone in need and he does not empathize with the hardships others endure. However, after Bub communicates with Robert and engineers an emotional connection, he is no longer limited by his former characteristics. Through this emotional link, Robert assists Bub in opening his mind to the spiritual world and feeling empathy for others.…
Throughout Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral,” the nameless narrator, the main character develops emotionally through a situation that creates fear in an already introverted man. He does not want to go outside of his comfort zone and he is caught off guard when he is forced beyond his current developmental state. But, through a lesson from the blind narrator finds himself enlightened to the sentiments of the handicapped.…
In life people demonstrate many characteristics which make that person who they are; while these characteristics define the actions made by people, they also help others to determine why such actions were made, while also characterize them for what that person has done or will do. In today’s society certain characteristics are viewed in a negative light due to the changing ways of everyday life and increasing deviation of traditional American views to ones of a more liberal nature. In “Cathedral” Raymond Carver writes of a man who is addicted to drugs and alcohol, which creates psychological distance from the narrator, his wife, and the blind man. This is caused by the narrators need to escape reality and enjoy a world that is not his own.…