While many argue that it is unethical to offer incentives for charity, I disagree. Offering incentives for charity is not unethical, and it does not under mind the morality behind being charitable. Offering incentives for charitable donations rewards and congratulates those to go out of their way to help. Just because someone receives an incentive for their charitable act does not make it any less meaningful. The point behind charity is giving to those that need help, and if an incentive helps us give to those that need it, then charities should be able to offer incentives without being criticized about the ethics of the incentive. The incentives help to get those who wouldn’t normally give an opportunity to give and to help out. The incentives are a way to catch the attention of people who can give, and then reward them for doing so.
Even people who are charitable people, like to gain things back for what they give, everyone likes incentives. Incentives are merely a way to reward and to give to good people who give to others. This year during the food drive at my school ASB added their own incentive to try and get more people to give. For every 5 cans of food that a person brings to the food drive, they get to make 1 wish. ASB said that they would do the best to make the wish come true, and to grant as many wishes as possible. Because of the added incentive, many people brought cans of food in to the food drive, and many people brought in many more that 5 cans. These cans of food went to much deserving and needing families in the area. As a school we were able to beat our goal for the number of cans we wanted to donate, and to beat our rival school in their food drive. The