Office Space, a brilliant, knee-slapping comedy is a desperate, witty, and to some, an inspiring rebuttal to the horrors of cubicle life, which is a hygiene factor that are environmentally related. The frustrations of dealing with the hierarchy of management in the changing job market. Peter plays out these emotions by knocking down his cubicle walls to achieve a view out the window, sleeping in most days, stealing a malfunctioning printer and demolishing it with his buddies, skipping work to go fishing showing up at Initech only to gut the fish on his desk, and finally, embezzling corporate money. Peter?s co-workers are subjected to dealing, not only with the pressures of the daily grind of their jobs, but now they must resort to defending their jobs.
The ?Downsizing Villain? has shown its ugly face at Initech, the consultants. Management has decided to bring in ?efficiency experts? who?s intentions are to do the dirty work of weeding out the staff so that Lumberg, the cubicle warden, can keep his hands clean. At one point in the movie, Lumberg, has his employees attend a formal network which is a meeting