In the light of contractual relationship among employees as well as employees with their organization, we have observed several types of contracts such as psychological contract (peter with himself which after the hypnotism has been changed significantly during the story), the implicit contract between Lumbergh as the boss and concerned department in INITECH…
Due to the fact that the management performance in several terms such as staffing, communication, coherence performance, positive organizational beliefs/values and constructing proper process of motivation ……was in general inadequate and weak, we have observed broadly inefficient depressive organization with lots of destructive conflicts where every body focus only on the forms and ignore contents, consequently all the personnel suffering from dissatisfaction and constant anxiety.
Accordingly, all the recovery approaches such as hiring consultant, was not successful. Moreover it seems that the perception of the consulting services was not properly implemented by the manager. They took decisions instead of supporting decision making process for the manager.
In other words and with regards to the Hofstede cultural dimensions approach, this organization can be analyzed and classified as follows:
1. Power distance index (PDI)
The organization classified as large power distance due to the fact that employees accepted and expected the power is distributed unequally. (Apparently, Milton and other employees have accepted the complete sever control and unconditional orders dictate by upper level- they never had problem of power inadequate distribution).
2. Individualism (IDV)
The organization considered as high individualized one, for the reason that every individual focuses on their own interest. (Milton