There are 16 personality types patterns, which are often referred by a 4-letter type code developed by Isabel Myers, based on her understanding of the personality typology. Looking at Peters Characters in the movie, he is much of introversion because he like a quite environment for concentration thus why he was asking his co-worker to switch off the radio in the office so he can concentrate better. He is also an intuition type where he likes to follow his inspiration example like staying home and sleeps if he want while he focus on people interactions and wants harmony and support among colleagues, which are character of feelings. Finally he is too much of perceiving where he wants flexibility in this work. This result to personality type INFP which is harmonizes clarifier (Idealist). He is going out with the flow and exploring moral questions. INFP people they normally get reacquainted with themselves and the have a way of knowing what is believe. Struggling with structure and getting their lives in order. Personality types in Office Space 3 Michael Bolton is an extraversion type where he enjoys interacting with people and develops his idea through discussion. He is also Interested on how people doing their jobs, as an example he was concerned about Peters and TPS repots.
He is in sensing group where he focus on immediate issues and provide a realistic and practical perceptive. On his Thinking he always focus on the task and he is a firm minded as he gave criticism to Peters about why he was fired and he is better employee than him. He is in judging group because of the way he reaches closure by deciding quickly. That concludes him in category of ESFJ. According to I Myers (1998) " warmhearted, conscientious and cooperatives. Want harmony in their environments; work with determination to achieve it (pg 13)". According to research we did on class about personality test Michael is the character I am closely related because we both talented for bringing order to chaotic situation, having steps into success and keeping up traditions. Samoa is much of extraversion type where he enjoys interacting with people and develops ideas .He is also into sensing than intuition because he likes the perfect standard ways to do thing by fine-tuning. Thus why he was against putting virus in the office computer. When comes to thinking and feeling he is to much on feeling because he focus on people's interactions and finally he is much of judging because of the way he likes get things settled and finished. That concludes him in a ESFJ category, which mainly is a facilitator caretaker. They accept and helping others. They voice concerned and accommodating need and keep things pleasant.
In conclusion this was an excellent and very entertaining movies and anyone who has worked in an environment of corporate America can relate to this movie.
Personality types in Office Space 4
Myers I (1998). Introduction To Types 6th Ed. California: CCP,Inc.