English 151A: Fundamentals of Composition
Instructor: Mark Peaslee Fall Semester 2012
Office: TBA T, Th
Office Hours: T, Th by appointment 8:00 a.m.-9:35 a.m.
English Learning Center: 1 p.m.-2 p.m. Th Room: HH 208
Email: MPeaslee@ohlone.edu
Ohlone College Student Learning Outcomes The Official Course Outline lists student learning outcomes, stating that by the end of the semester, the student will: 1. Demonstrate the ability to write an informal essay with logical structure, basic paragraph structuring, and sentence 2. Identify main idea and relevant, supporting details in a reading; word parts (prefix, suffix, roots) in vocabulary; and contextual clues. 3. Use beginning critical thinking …show more content…
* 15% Final
Assignments and Deadlines
All assignments must be completed and turned in before or during class on the due date. Late assignments will be accepted no later than one day after the due date and will be automatically marked down 25%. I will accept these assignments only in person- emailed copies are not allowed. All assignments (unless otherwise specified) must be typed, stapled, and double spaced using a 10 or 12 point Times New Roman Font.
Since we will rely a great deal upon in-class work including, discussion, peer review, and small group work, it is essential that you attend class in order to both get the most for your hard paid tuition and also to help your classmates in their learning. You will be allowed one unexcused absence. Further days missed (barring extreme extenuating circumstances) will negatively effect your grade. You are responsible for completing any work done in class on days you have missed. If you will be missing a class due to the observance of a religious holiday, you MUST notify me via email by Monday, September 3rd in order to not have it count as an unexcused …show more content…
It is vital that you keep on schedule and complete all of your work by the deadlines. If you need assistance, the ELC provides tutors and you are free to ask me questions.
Don’t do it. If you have any questions about what constitutes plagiarism you can check out this link: http://www.ohlone.edu/org/studentservices/docs/academicdishonestyprocedure.pdf Plagiarism on a paper will receive an F and that paper will not be eligible for rewriting or resubmitting.
Cell Phones, Pagers, and Other Electronic Devices:
If you know how to turn them on, you also know how to turn them off before entering the