Ohms Law
Thomas More College
Thomas More College
How it applies to different materials Lucas Cosmidis 11 physics
How it applies to different materials Lucas Cosmidis 11 physics
The aim is to investigate whether 12v light bulb and a ceramic resistor are either non- ohmic or ohmic. From results calculations can be made to find the resistance produced and then graphed indicating whether the light bulb and ceramic resistor is ohmic or non ohmic
Background Information
An electric circuit is formed when a conductive path is created to allow free electrons to continuously move. This continuous movement of free electrons through the conductors of a circuit is called a current, and it is often referred to in terms of "flow," just like the flow of a liquid through a hollow pipe.
The force motivating electrons to "flow" in a circuit is called voltage. Voltage is a specific measure of potential energy that is always relative between two points. When we speak of a certain amount of voltage being present in a circuit, we are referring to the measurement of how much potential energy exists to move electrons from one particular point in that circuit to another particular point. Without reference to two particular points, the term "voltage" has no meaning.
Free electrons tend to move through conductors with some degree of friction, or opposition to motion. This opposition to motion is more properly called resistance. The amount of current in a circuit depends on the amount of voltage available to motivate the electrons, and also the amount of resistance in the circuit to oppose electron flow. Just like voltage, resistance is a quantity relative between two points. For this reason, the quantities of voltage and resistance are often stated as being "between" or "across" two points in a circuit.
- All about Circuits.
Bibliography: Concise Physics. n.p.. Ohmic and non-ohmic conductors. [online] Available at: http://physics.nayland.school.nz/VisualPhysics/NZ-physics%20HTML/14_Electronics/chapter14a.html [Accessed: 19 Jun 2013].