The mixture reaches the end of the well where the high pressure causes the nearby shale rock to crack, creating fissures where natural gas flows into the well…
Oil well blowouts occur when there is an imbalance in pressure, whether that be from underneath the ground with an occurrence of shifting pressures or above the ground caused by drilling pressure. When this balance of pressure occurs, fluids reach the surface and flow out like a geyser. When this does happen, oil riggers…
BP dedicated a portion of its restoration website to highlight technological advancements it has implemented for safer oil drilling, in hope of restoring public trust in the company. This portion of the website, titled “Safer drilling”, explains what went wrong during the oil spill and the lessons BP has learned from the spill. One of the documents provided goes in-depth into the analysis of all the problems that occurred during the spill. An easy to understand graphic explains the eight different well integrity issues that caused the spill, and then explains how BP has changed its standard operations in response to these failings. The rest of document is broken into sub-sections that relate to each of these issues. For example, a section on oil spill containment is presented, which outlines the mobile “BP Global Deepwater Well Cap and Tooling Package” that BP created encase of other oil spill. The package can be deployed anywhere in the world within hours and provides all the necessary tools for capping a deep-water oil rig, and cleaning any oil spilled. This section of the website was created because it is essential in restoring public faith in the company’s ability to operate its daily…
Hydraulic fracturing, also commonly known as “fracking”, is a method often used nowadays to extract natural gas. The process starts when a steel pipe casing is inserted into the drilled well bore. Tiny holes are made in the pipe in order to let the fracturing fluid flow into the zones which contain oil or gas. Eventually, these zones will fracture due to the pressure from the overflowing fluid. Once the fractures are formed, the fluid halts and flows back to the surface. Remnants from fluid such as sand are then left behind, holding open the fractures. Another way to form these fractures is to inject gases such as nitrogen. Acidizing sometimes occur while fracturing where hydrochloric acid is pumped inside to…
What do you know about fracking? Fracking is the industry that is natural gas being abstracted from shale rock. It’s hydraulic done by injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to get into the shale rock to release natural gas. Why does the industry do this? It is more wrongs than rights but the natural gas is a clean burning gas. Gas is environmentally good when it is burnt but when it is being abstracted from the shale rock is when it is bad.…
The Simple Truth by J.A. Turley is a dramatization of an actual event, the tragic oil spill that occurred in April 2010 on the site of BP’s Macondo drilling site. Because of this, Turley’s book is often highly technical and alludes to many actual people, places, and events. The whole story is meant to dissect the now distant disaster that resulted in over a dozen deaths, but also serves to entertain the reader, much in the same way James Cameron entertained movie goers in “Titanic”. The best place to start with understanding BP’s Macondo blowout is to first research the actual rig where the events leading up to the disaster took place. Additionally it is necessary to understand the personnel that live and work on the offshore drilling.…
D. I will be explaining the steps on changing the oil on your vehicle every three thousand miles.…
Some of the primary evidence to support my thesis will be to give examples of equipment failure that has lead to spills during hydraulic fracking. Hear I will show evidence that equipment failure is one of the leading causes of spills. I will show that future spills can be greatly reduced with strict regulations on what equipment is used. This will show that spills are not necessarily inherent to the fracking process, but is the result of bad regulations regarding equipment. Evidence to support this argument will come mainly from Gagnon G. (2016) and Patterson, L. A. (2017), and U.S. EPA. (2015).…
Television if full of advertisement and propaganda. As well as the internet with advertisement popups and clips on the sides of every webpage. Propaganda is information put out by an organization or government to promote and idea or cause. Many of these are misleading and bias, trying to make you believe in the same things they do and convince you to participate in whatever cause they are in. Think about some of the commercials you seen on television such as news reports, movies, political ads, and recall ads. The most memorable to me are recall ads such as lawyers making announcements for medicines and compensation. As well as when election time comes around and all of the runners are putting their names out there. Also, every day, watching the news on new crimes going on in the world and previews for my next favorite movie. Those are all different techniques of propaganda. The purpose of me writing this essay is to show you the propaganda in a simple informative commercial or newscast. My main focus will be on the BP oil spill.…
Baird S.L (2008, Novemeber). Offshore oil drilling: buying energy independence or buying time? Technology Teacher, 68(3), 13-17.…
As the situation of environment is becoming worse than ever these days, the explosion of Deepwater Horizon ship has been making things the worst with the enormous damages since this incident happened on April 20th 2010. This disastrous accident happened under the 2nd biggest oil company BP’s poor responsibility. According to this accident, about 30 laborers died or got deadly hurt then the ship started to sink down couple days after the exploding. As an unofficial said that it was spilling out 35,000 to 60,000 gallons of oil for a day from the borehole in deep sea. (“Oil estimate raised to 35,000-60,000 barrels a day”) In fact, however, it was hard to estimate how speedy the oil was spilling since it started to spill out from too deep. This problem brought controversy nowadays since the police were not even sure how big this trouble was. This disaster is still causing the end of marine animals, fishing industries, tourism and even wild animals’ place to live by marine pollutions. Although the situation is not easy to bear, if people know what exact causes and effects of this accident, there must be the way to be closed for solution.…
I strongly urge you to do something drastic about fracking. Protecting the profits of companies should not come before protecting the health and well being of American Citizens. With the Energy Policy Act, the cards are stacked against the average citizen and in the favor of deep pocketed oil and gas companiesThis is not just and I ask you to do something about it…
On April 20th, 2010, an oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, approximately 4.9 billion barrels of oil poured into the gulf over the course of 87 days. This tragedy resulted in lives lost, both human and animal alike, and really brought the issue of off-shore oil drilling to attention. While some may believe that offshore oil drilling may seem like a harmless source of revenue for the United States, it is imperative that citizens realize that drilling does more harm than good. America needs to consider the negative effects of offshore oil drilling on the environment, the economy, and the future.…
Unfortunately, as this essay has shown, this disaster could have been avoided with better safety precautions along with the testing of their safety procedures. Plus, preparing for emergencies was not given proper priority and the understanding of the signs of an error were not recognized fast enough. As discussed, the cement was faulty, valves were faulty and there was no gas alarm. These issues could have been prevented with better quality control and training. Hopefully the world has learned from our mistakes and nothing like this happens…
There have been earthquakes in places that has never had them. Some earthquakes are so small they are barely noticed, but if they get bigger they could destroy buildings or cause serious damage. These earthquakes are caused by horizontal hydraulic fracking, which is used to get oil and natural gas out of the earth.Until we can make sure that fracking is safe we should ban it.…