Andrew Fossa
Saint Petersburg College
Administrative Law
Kenneth Afienko
FOSSA A (2012) Saint Petersburg College
Oil spill mitigation planning and monetary recovery
A small Gulf Coast Community in Florida has requested the implementation of a contingency plan in the event of an oil spill that affects the coast line. This paper discusses the regulations, and laws that govern an oil spill and who is responsible for monetary and geographical land damage. Who will be the responsible party to clean up and restore the coast line back to its natural condition? Who is responsible for reimbursement for lost revenues due to an oil spill along the coast line? What types of legal remedies are there for financial relief of lost revenues to business and citizens of the community? What types of policies should be created to protect the financial variables and geographic location. How much will the implementation of a plan cost. How can we implement these items and maintain a plan that protects the financial and geography of this community?
The Florida Gulf Coast is known for its beautiful beaches and waterways. Every year thousands of tourists flock to the coast line and enjoy the warm summers in the waters and beaches of Florida. With a total revenue of $57 billion a year, an oil spill along the Gulf Coast could devastate this money and bring financial hardship to small business (Bert & Clayton, 2012) . The communities along the Gulf Coast have taken advantage of these beaches through tourism and the amount of money it brings to each community. In the past a large oil spill caused great damage to beaches in other states. The communities of the Florida Gulf Coast are now inquiring as to the laws, regulations, prevention, reimbursement, and remediation in the event an oil spill was to threaten or come ashore in the community.
References: Bert M Clayton B 2012 Addressing the Risk of a Cuban Oil Spi;;Bert, M., & Clayton, B. (2012, March). Addressing the Risk of a Cuban Oil Spi;;. Retrieved from 20121205201933711470842 Environmental Protection Agency n.d. EPA Office of Emergency and Remedial ResponseEnvironmental Protection Agency (n.d.). EPA Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. 20121204202412389030814 State Of Florida 2005 Florida Administrative Register & Florida Administrative CodeState Of Florida (2005). Petrokeum Contamination Site Cleanup Criteria. In Florida Administrative Register & Florida Administrative Code (p. ). 20121205203939436014771 US Environmental Protection Agency 2011 Emergency ManagementU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2012, December 28). Emergency Management. Retrieved December 2, 2012, from Viscusi, W., & Zeckhauser, R. (2011). Deterring and Compensating Oil-Spill Catastrophes: The Need for Strict and Two-Tier Liability. Vanderbilt Law Review, 64(6), 1717-1765.