Oil spills are a big part of pollution in water. The oil spill of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico is noticed as the worst oil spill in American History. Extreme amounts of oil and money was wasted. Within a couple of days of the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf, underwater cameras showed the BP pipe was leaking oil and gas into the ocean floor about 42 miles off the coast of Louisiana. By the end of the occasion, they figured out that 3.19 million barrels of oil had been sent out into the Gulf.1 Oil spills affect marine ecosystems. In the last thirty years, …show more content…
These creatures have no predators.1 Asian carp is one example of invasive species. These animals kill other marine life and they don’t have any animal that hunt them. These carp eat over 25% of the plankton in the waters. Because they are spreading so much, the waters are getting over populated and plants that need the sun’s energy for photosynthesis are not getting the sunlight to survive. These fish are also known for jumping out of the water and landing on boats and even hitting people and severely hurting them.1 Another example of an invasive species is the Zebra mussel. This animal attaches itself to other animals and uses it sharp points to kill them. The Zebra mussel is like a magnet attaching itself to other native species. Female Zebra mussels can produce 100,000 to 500,000 eggs per year. This is a major problem because overpopulation will decrease other marine life.2 Humans need to find away to destroy these animals before there is to many of