Mr. Johnson
Entertainment Technology
September 22, 2014
I-Search Paper People have many burdens in life and one thing in our world that takes them away from those burdens is entertainment. This entertainment draws them away from reality and into something so much greater. Films are one of the biggest sources of entertainment that changes the mind psychologically today. Media psychology is a big part of our world today in the technological world. This is how the media learns to perceive the visual effects of the mind and create a psychological change for a person. I believe that media psychology is the most important type of psychology because of the way that a person can change mentally as well as physically when watching a film. This is a great topic for me to choose because it is something that happens every time a viewer watches a film and goes into a new psychological experience that changes their mind forever. Every person will watch a film for a specific either to find enjoyment, to cure boredom, or to bring entertainment into aspect, but movies can help us all in incredible ways by changing the mind psychologically. The psychology of film is a very important aspect of today’s world. When watching a film not only is the audience’s mindset changing but so is everything around and inside of them as if they are in a dream. “The film arouses subcortical emotional systems that your intellectual brain cannot inhibit. So you care about the imaginary creatures and situations you are seeing”. (Holland) Movies effect every part of the brain based off of the descriptions on the sections of the brain and are used to understand what is considered normal; normal or abnormal actions by a human. Even though there are many people that are coming from different backgrounds, films can still cause the same reactions amongst a majority. Most of the time when we watch a movie we are just watching it for enjoyment but never think about
Cited: Wong, David. "5 Ways You Don 't Realize Movies Are Controlling Your Brain." Cracked, 6 Aug. 2012. Web. 30 July 2014. Brooks, Virginia. "MAKING LIGHT OF IT." : Film, Perception, and Cognitive Psychology. Millineum Film Journal, 17 May 2012. Web. 31 July 2014. "Media Psychology - What Does Psychology Have to Do with Media?, Processing Information." - Social Perception, Attitudes And Behavior, and Television. Psych Ensyc, 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 31 July 2014 Weisenburg, M. "Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 7 June 2005. Web. 31 July 2014. D’Abundo, Giuseppe. "Translation Project: Concerning the Effects of Film Viewing on Neurotic Individuals – D’Abundo, Giuseppe (Italy, 1911)."The Permanent Seminar on Histories of Film Theories. The Permanent Seminar on Histories of Film Theories., 19 Oct. 2011. Web. 10 Sept. 2014.] Holland, Norman N. "Your Brain on Movies." PsyArt: An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts. PsyArt, 7 Sept. 2012. Web. 28 June 2014