The west coast of B.C. is an extremely hazardous place to live in because it is located near the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a known producer of megathrust earthquakes. Once the earthquake strikes, the primary effects will leave the cities located on the coast in ruins, but the secondary effects are the main antagonists in the story; victims will have to struggle with fires, food shortages, and panicking citizens. Fires that were sparked by broken gas lines and electrical wires can burn an entire neighborhood in minutes, but don’t expect any fire trucks, ambulances, or any aid vehicles any time soon. Roads will be blocked and broken, so getting to the fire safely will take at least twenty times longer than usual. With no help available, residents can only evacuate the scene before suffocating from smoke inhalation. Homeless people will be forced to live in crowded temporary shelters, where little to no food or privacy is available. As humans, we need food and clean water to maintain a strong and healthy body. However, when we are only reduced to a small snack a day, we will be prone to diseases and may die of starvation. So to lower the risk of being sickly, people will burgle, assault and, in the most extreme cases, murder for more food and water in such a dangerous time. At this point in time, all the peace and tranquility becomes anarchy and chaos. Panic stricken people will run around, doing irrational things and unintentionally hurting others. The actions and reactions of the citizens are unpredictable, like an earthquake and the power of its magnitude. We cannot stop them, but hope for the best and prepare for the…