When it comes to the question of what I think they are trying to create, I believe they are trying to portray this superior man of men image. I am able to link this ad with others that I have seen for old spice in the same manner. Such as a commercial I remember about “the man that your man could smell like” the slogan of the ad is that “We're not saying this body wash will make your man into a romantic millionaire jet fighter pilot, but we are insinuating it.” This reinforces my point that the company Old Spice is trying to create a superior image that their body wash represents.…
Isaiah Mustafa starts out in a bathroom because that’s where Old Spice body wash would be used. Next he tells us viewers to look down, and the background suddenly drops to him being on a boat with new clothes. While he is on this boat, he lifts up an oyster that has two tickets in it, but they suddenly turn into a handful of diamonds. The background proceeds to drop once again and Isaiah Mustafa is suddenly on a beautiful white horse. By switching to Old Spice, this ad makes men feel like “a million bucks.” Look what happens when you begin to use Old Spice! Anything is possible!…
The argument of this TV commercial is that the overall quality of life for men will improve if they use Old Spice deodorant. The audience includes women that are in a relationship with a man and is concerned about the way their significant other smells. The goal of this advertisement is to get women to buy Old Spice deodorant for their significant other. The commercial tries to accomplish its goal of getting women to buy Old Spice deodorant for men in several elements of rhetoric.…
Businesses typically generate a strategy to help their plan become a reality as they began to put it in motion. Some strategies work out for the better of the organization and some strategies have to be reevaluated. Strategies are formed on either a business, corporate, or international level. Throughout the world, there are billions of businesses that function using different strategies.…
One of the rhetorical appeals used quite frequently is Pathos. Pathos is the way the author or in this case Old Spice tries to play with our emotions. The most obvious emotion in this commercial is humor. For example, the way the crazy-stalker mom is following her son around everywhere by riding in a laundry basket attached to her son’s car, highly unlikely but very entertaining and quite funny. People love anything that makes them laugh and Old Spice definitely played that up when those depressed mothers were wailing about their sons leaving them behind and growing up by going out with girls and leaving their chores behind. Another thing that is used as pathos is how relatable it can be for those overbearing mothers and their sons. Some men must see this commercial and think back to when they were teenagers who just wanted to get away and grow up, and even those boys that are currently going through this with their own mothers. Even I am sucked in to all the hype that is Old Spice, and I could just imagine what my seven year old brother with have to go through with my mom. Yikes!…
“Hey want to smell good and fresh unlike our loser competitors? Well we have the product to freshen up your life once and for all!” Everyday Americans are bombarded with advertisements…
This is a classic example of a social advertisement that further falls into the category of opinion leader. The main character in the advertisement is portrayed as a manly man who is what most men want to become thereby determining that the target market for this advertisement is men. In the YouTube video there are many segments linked together but all by the same main character who fulfills what most consumers seek, and that is – an opinion that eliminates the tedious search process that is filled with uncertainty. These ads prompted me to buy Dos Aquis once and boy, did I feel like an interesting man…
Have you ever heard the statement, a man that smells good is automatically attractive"? It's the first thing that I think of when I think of the Old Spice commercials. My favorite one is the one titled “Old Spice Mom Song”. This Old Spice commercial has caught the attention of over a million people across the world on both television and YouTube. This ad on YouTube was published on January 3, 2014, shows how mothers are upset and torn when their sons start using Old Spice products. When the boys start using Old Spice, it symbolizes becoming a man.…
The commercial grabs the reader’s attention and maintains it on the Old Spice man. It starts out with a former NFL player and an actor Isaiah Mustafa in an ordinary bathroom wearing nothing but a towel. He represents the “perfect male” for both women and as well as men. He is considered manly with the muscular physique, broad shoulders, bearded face and a stern voice. His strong posture and his deep male voice displays the masculine form, the women desire. Without losing eye contact with the audience, Mustafa shifts from a bathroom scene to a yacht, to a beach and lastly to a horseback-riding which portrays that “anything is possible…” with an Old Spice. Throughout his transformations he accomplishes impractical feats like obtaining tickets…
This promotion of a feminine fragrance line by Ralph Lauren is featured in a well-known woman’s health magazine. This advertisement has a sharp, clean, and uncluttered layout containing only the Ralph Lauren Romance scented glass perfume bottle and flowers on a white backdrop. This Ralph Lauren brand sponsored content is promoting its fragrance by showing pureness, cleanliness, elegance, and beauty with the application of a white background and flowers.…
Advertisements come in various shapes, sizes, and mediums, and as humans, we are constantly surrounded by them. Whether they are on TV, radio, or in a magazine, there is no way that we can escape them. They all have their target audience for whom the advertisers have specifically designed the ad. When a company produces a commercial, their main objective is to get their product to sell. This is a multibillion-dollar industry and the advertisers study all the ways that they can attract their audience’s attention. The producers of advertisements have many tactics and strategies they use when producing an ad to get consumers to buy their product. These include things such as rhetorical appeals, logical fallacies, and “the male gaze.”…
During the postwar period gender social status roles were being reshaped within both Australian and American societies, as women were beginning to become more involved within the workforce and gain economic independence. While these roles where beginning to change in Australia and America, prejudice gender inequalities continued to within domesticity roles through the use of family wages and the within education systems. Cohen also explores the inequalities of postwar women within American where women veterans were excluded from education systems including as women where portrayed as being less superior to men and perceived as only having an economic and social citizenship causing women to lose their wartime jobs and return back into the household,…
Marketer’s use various tactics to get male consumers to buy their products. One way to get male consumers attention is thru celebrity endorsements. The article mentions an English soccer star named David Beckham. Beckham is sort of a spokesperson for metrosexuals. He paints his fingernails, braids his hair and poses for gay magazines, all while maintaining a manly profile and staying assured of his heterosexuality. Another way to get male consumers attention is by using clever packaging. The article refers to a man named Oliver Sweatman. He is the chief executive of Sharps, a new line of grooming products aimed at young urban men. According to Sweatman, in order to lure manly men to buy his new-age shaving gels- which contain roman chamomile, gotu kola and green tea- the packaging has to be clever. He uses a mixture of old and new imagery. The fonts recall the masculinity of an old barber shop, but a funny picture of a goat on the label implies something out of the ordinary.…
The documentary Food Inc. brings us closer to the reality of mass produced food. The purpose of the video is to open the families, meat lovers small shops and restaurants eyes and smarten them up about how the food comes to their plates. Its also sending a message to these big companies, saying that we know what you guys are up to. The food we are buying and thinking thats healty, is actually not healty at all. During the processing of our food the big companies have absolutely no mercy to people who will slow them down or cause a problem or damage their company name. Big food companies in USA such as Tyson , McDonalds and etc. prefer efficieny of their products for human health.…
The main element is sex appeal, especially since they use a well groomed, attractive man and the commercial targets the female audience. Another would be need for affiliation. Saying that one will smell more masculine using Old Spice and “smell like a lady” (0:27) using the competitor’s brand. It also has a sense of need for attention in the same way as need for affiliation. It signifies that using Old Spice body wash will get men noticed by women.…