Nationalism also played a major role in shaping the modern day Olympic Games. Document 2 recognizes the fact that men were too proud to let women represent their country in the Olympics. Document 4 represents nationalism because it shows how proud America would be if they beat the Soviets in any sort of competition during the Olympics. Bob Matthias wrote this document to show us the determination and pride the U.S had to defeat the soviets, and how the Olympics evolved into a competition between just the U.S and the Soviets.…
The technology right now allows people from different countries to communicate with each other, by airplane, cellphone, email. However in 1892, such technology did not exist, but people unite in different way – Olympic. It is an athletic game originally held in Greece city states every four years in honor of Zeus, their god. Shaped by many factors; ever since the first modern Olympic start in Athens in 1896 this competition became international celebrated. Such as the countries ‘pride of associate with Olympic, the impact of conflict political view affects the team, the economic opportunities created by the events, and influence of society views on gender role of female.…
There are many different factors that have shaped the modern Olympic movement from 1892 to 2002. It was originally revived so people of different races could interact with other people without conflict. They wanted to have a temporary time of international peace. This idea is expressed in Document 1. The author, Pierre de Coubertin, explains how the athletes are exported into other lands without any hostility. The author is credible because he is also the founder of the modern Olympic movement. However, many countries were motivated by political, social, and economical reasons. The reasons altered the competitiveness of the Olympics.…
The Olympics have shown over the decades that they can be affected by political conflict. However, it seems that this is the point of the Olympics, to illustrate national pride, by competition. Bloodshed should not be the way for pride of one’s country to be shown, but it should be shown through competition, in the words of the founder of the modern Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin(1). The games have been used as a weapon for denouncing a country’s sportsmanship, such as in 1956 when Arnold Lunn, a British Olympic team official accused the Nazis of cheating in the 1936 Olympic games that were held in Germany. He went on to allege that the competitors of Germany went onto the course while it was closed to athletes. Though the fact that they were trying so hard to practice, could be an example of the importance placed on the games at the time before war period. This is implied by the statement by Arnold Lunn that victory was the only thing that mattered to the Nazis, and how they achieved it did not matter as long as they did(3). The use of the Olympics to show off one’s country was further demonstrated during the Cold War, when the United States and the Soviet Union were itching to outdo one another. Bob Matthias gives insight through an interview into the United State’s yearning to win over Russia. The competitor told of the spirit of winning throughout the team, even in the athletes that were sure to win for the United States(4). This is a stark contrast to an information guide provided by the Soviet Union regarding the olympics being held in Moscow that year. It tells of seeking peace with the U.S., and how…
Many critics talked highly of the Soviet Union when the Olympic games were to be held in Moscow for the 1980 games. Saying that the Soviet Union “is a beacon of peace, democracy, and social progress.” (Doc 6) But when it came to what they Americans thought, it was far from that. Bob Matthias form the United States, once said “You just loved to beat’em. You just had to beat’em.” (Doc 4) This is because of the long rival that these two countries have had ever since the cold war had started. His perception of the Russians was skewed because he had a long standing with them. He didn’t see them as real competitors. Some countries always went up and down, like Pakistan. There “social values which have shrunk from that of national pride to self-promotion.” (Doc 10) Ali Kabir, a sports writer states that they have lost what has once made them great, and that is work. “The current national team is clueless and has tarnished the country’s name.” For a few countries it was more than national pride, for Japan it was more of a national crusade. They felt that this was a perfect time to come back as a world trade power. (Doc 5) For other countries like Germany, it was also more than just national pride. For Hitler it was a way to show that Germans were superior. He always made protests that always helped the Germans and no one else. (Doc 3) Although he was less concerned about medals, he was more concerned about…
The Modern Olympics were shaped in different ways that include many social, economic, and political factors. These factors over time changed the games from what they were in 1892 to what they were in 2002. Based on the documents the games have been changing not only the games themselves but also the countries that participate and human rights however these can be positive changes or negative changes.…
The Olympic games today have been influenced by many factors that happened throughout history. In documents 2 and 8, the increases of women participants in the games show social change of the world. In documents 3 and 4 the influence of nationalism causes countries to become extremely competitive. In 6 and 3 nations show their pride of their home country by proving themselves as top notch. In 7 and 10, the opinionated views of a Japanese and Pakistani journalist on the wealth of certain nations and the strategy of certain countries in the playing of a sport. In documents 1 and 5, countries are shown to be needing the games in order to rebuild not only economy but pride and in documents 9 and 7, powerhouses prove they will always overcome the enemy.…
There are many factors that shape the modern Olympic movement from 1892 to 2002. The original reason was so people of many people of different races, religions, or genders could come together and compete against each other in various competitions. The Olympics first started in 776 B.C.E. but ended 393 C.E. they later started back up in 1892, but it was a bit different than before. Today, many of the factors that shaped the Olympics reflect what has changed and what has taken place since the last games. Some examples would have to do with women, the economy, and world wars and other region battles.…
The Olympics are series of events that countries from all around the world come together and compete against each other in. The Olympics have had both bad and positive effects on the world, and its countries. Women, political tensions, and economics are a few factors that have shaped the modern Olympic movement from 1892 to 2002.…
There are also a range of issues that can affect an individual’s participation in sport; the sports legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the role of the media, race and economic influences can all affect participation. Sports development will tackle some of these issues and the impact they have on individuals.…
The Olympic Games are, in fact, an exciting spectacle where idealism clashes with practical manifestations of politics, nationalism, and economics.…
As the Games grew more sports were added to gain more participants. As stated before in the first games the only sport that was competed in was the 192 meter foot race called the strade. As the Olympics started to become more popular, sports like the diaulos, a longer there and back race, the dolichos, which is a even longer race, boxing, wrestling, and the Pancration, a race that combines all types of physical attacks used in combat, were also incorporated. Horse-chariot racing and mule racing were also added along with many others. Since the Games were considered such a big event, many city-states would send their athletes to compete to display their power and attain glory for their…
Sports has been linked back to the Aztec Indians in the 1500’s. Every culture has had some influence by sports. The Indians played sports, the Africans played, and Europeans played sports. Sports have been a great impact on the world. I can’t remember what it was like not to be in a sport, I have been competing so long. Sports teach adolescents, as well as some younger children integrity, hard work, perseverance, and in some cases maturity, as well as many other much needed aspects to succeed in life. Sports create competitions, and competition brings out the best in athletes, starting with the Olympics. I feel athletics and competition carries over even after athletic careers are done, and you go onto the real world. People are always competing for the better jobs, and benefits that will help themselves, a constant race.…
Qualifying to represent your country in the Olympics is arguable the greatest achievement one can obtain as an Athlete. They dedicated hours upon hours of blood sweat and tears to get to this point in their careers, through all the trial and error and stress that can put on one?s body it is no wonder how some athletes would like to take a short cut and cheat their way to gold.…
Many of the medal winning British athletes of this summer’s Olympics expressed how the dynamic effect of a patriotic audience pushed them further physically and mentally than they have ever managed to achieve before. British athletes, who were on the periphery of their sport, found themselves in medal contention due to the stimulation of the audience. The influence of a large crowd can spur a person onto achieve a personnel best and glory.…