The online curriculum that this school provides, has made this school feel better,fit for me because it's easier to learn and you get,the more time you need on assignments that no other school could provide meaning it's easier to get better grades. At other schools you would have to write down your own notes that you would have to look into for the answers to the questions. What is you don't write down
the right notes how are you going to get the correct answers for the lessons quizzes and tests? What if you don't hear the teacher clearly how are you going to go back? Consequently, they have so many more ways to fail than to succeed. But with Ombudsman they provide you with lessons you can go back to so you do not have to worry about writing notes. The only notes you have to write down is to practice for the quizzes and tests which is easier to do when you can go back to the lessons. Moreover, let's say you get stuck on a project or a quiz or even a question you do not have a limited time of an hour to finish the assignment you can always go back and finish. Therefore it is magnificently easy to succeed.
The short schedule of four hours that is given has also made this school feel better fit for me by the reasons of my Insomnia, counselling, and free time. I have heavy-duty Insomnia therefore I have to take a forceful prescribed pill to effectively put me to sleep in effect I have to get at most ten hours of sleep otherwise my brain is not cooperative. Having to start school at twelve let's me get my ten hours with out having to get out at eight o'clock. And I