Grossman’s background includes a 20-year military career spanning the ranks as a junior enlisted soldier, non-commissioned officer, and final retirement as a lieutenant colonel. During his military service, he served in infantry officer leadership positions as a platoon leader, company commander, and general staff officer. Early in the book, he highlights his military training and experience around the globe as an …show more content…
We are taught at an early age to “never judge a book by its cover.” However, if a potential reader were to judge the cover of this book alone with the grim black and white soldier photo overlaid with the title, On Killing by Lt. Col. Grossman, that reader would most likely assume that the author wrote a book to share some of his own insight on how he handled killing another person or persons. Grossman’s book on killing can be likened to a book about walking on the moon. Personally, I would rather read a book about moon walks written by an astronaut who actually walked on the moon rather than from an astronaut who only interviewed others who walked on the moon. Interestingly, the weakness of this book is also a strength in that it adds to the repertoire of material on killing. Instead of basing a section of the book to just one man’s experience, Grossman was compelled to add the killing experiences of many Soldiers through interviews he oversaw and conducted. This array of documented experiences also adds strength to the book by helping others who have killed better understand their emotions and perhaps aid people still struggling in their healing