Aside from English majors, and possibly some of them as well, writing is poorly trained across all levels of academia. However, I’m going to focus on an area where I have the most experience, the Professional Military Education (PME) system. When looking at our current process for educating Army officers, we see institutional challenges in the approach with regards to teaching both writing and critical thinking skills. In his article, Education for Critical Thinking, Colonel Williams discusses that while our schools profess to teaching officers how to think, not what to think, that is not entirely …show more content…
I would propose a two-prong approach. First, get graduate level writing back into the officer basic and career courses as well as the mid-level and advanced enlisted schools. Establishing that capability early as a foundational competency is critical to the future leadership population who will be faced with large amounts of unknown unknowns. School programs of instruction should transition to more open curriculum that stresses critical thinking and writing skills, vice memorizing doctrine. Deliverables at the end of assignments should be both papers as well the associated briefings to ensure officers drill both their written and oral communicative