Diction is the word choice itself, where syntax deals more with the overall word and sentence placement in a paragraph. To have correct diction, one should be aware of the concepts of denotation and annotation. Strunk and White’s Handbook informs that the denotation of a word is its exact, literal meaning found in a reliable dictionary. The three types of denotation are unabridged; extensive background and research on the word, abridged; only holds the most commonly used words, and specialized; only focuses on a certain area such as an English-to-Spanish dictionary or a slang dictionary. Connotation deals with the ideas associated with a word, or in other words, a thesaurus. However, one must be cautious when dealing with thesauruses, for while the words have similar meanings, it doesn’t mean that they are interchangeable and if used incorrectly, can put an unexpected and often unwanted twist on the tone of a
Diction is the word choice itself, where syntax deals more with the overall word and sentence placement in a paragraph. To have correct diction, one should be aware of the concepts of denotation and annotation. Strunk and White’s Handbook informs that the denotation of a word is its exact, literal meaning found in a reliable dictionary. The three types of denotation are unabridged; extensive background and research on the word, abridged; only holds the most commonly used words, and specialized; only focuses on a certain area such as an English-to-Spanish dictionary or a slang dictionary. Connotation deals with the ideas associated with a word, or in other words, a thesaurus. However, one must be cautious when dealing with thesauruses, for while the words have similar meanings, it doesn’t mean that they are interchangeable and if used incorrectly, can put an unexpected and often unwanted twist on the tone of a