In 1908 there was a controversy over Reelfoot lake, a dispute about who had rights to develop or fish in the lake. Before this, in 1899, a man by the name of James Harris announced he had bought the lake and planned to drain it, which upset the residents. These shaken residents banded together and sought out to sue Harris. The real question was if the lake was navigable or not. If so then the lake was public property and could not be drained. The Tennessee State Supreme Court ruled that the lake was too shallow to be navigable, but Harris died soon after. James Harris had a son, Judge Harris, who formed the West Tennessee Land Company in 1907, and planned to develop this land that was previously being fought over. They tried to force the farmers working off this land to pay them rent which, in turn, made them feel cheated. The judge did not allow them to fish in Reelfoot Lake, and some of the residents turned to…
1. How can the reader tell that the narrator grows and changes during his adventures? How can you explain the change in the narrator's outlook?…
The “Greasy Lake” was told in a first-person narrator that was left unnamed. The author choice to write about the character who was talking about their rebellious faze of their life. From this point of view you can tell as if the character is telling someone of their teenage years and all they dumb things they did in order to be cool. For example, “We wore torn-up leather jackets, slouched around with toothpicks in our mouths, sniffed glue and ether and what somebody claimed was cocaine.” (306) this shows how they wanted to give off the look of being a bad boy but wanted to seem to be cool with their friends. Reading the story as if it was coming from the characters own mouth, made the tale more real instead of the possibility that it was made…
If bicycling is one of your passions and you long to do it on your next trip, Lake Chelan, WA, is the perfect place. No matter what your style of cycling, you can be sure to find something that you love here! Whether you're a hardcore or a more casual cycler, there are many trails and events to choose from to get the most out of your trip!…
Cite two examples of the way White moves between his present and his past and explain the details that trigger his journey back in time.…
White’s Once More to the Lake, White relives his experience at the same lake to which he visited as a child. He begins by describing the lake when he was a child and then progressing as he ages. The main purpose of doing so is to depict the effects of time on not only the setting, but on himself. Throughout the essay, White is constantly comparing himself to not only his son, but his own father. “I began to sustain the illusion that [my son] was I, and therefore, by simple transposition, that I was my father” (White par. 4). One of the most prominent pieces of the essay that depicts the overall meaning is described in the very end of the essay. “I watched him, his hard little body, skinny and bare, saw him wince slightly as he pulled up around his vitals the small, soggy, icy garment. As he buckled the swollen belt, suddenly my groin felt the chill of death” (White par. 13). In these last sentences, White is not only realizing that he is middle-aged, but he is feeling what his son is feeling as he enters the cold lake water. Thus creating White’s dual-existance in the world; living as a child, as well as an adult. The diction of White’s essay seems to mimic the motions of the lake: calm and tranquil. While the tone of White in his essay is extremely nostalgic as he reluctantly accepts that time has aged him. White seems to struggle with living in this childhood memory of the lake, which appears to be so vivid that an illusion is created in his head in which White is…
Summary of Lake and Questier Peter Lake and Michael Questier’s contextualization of the Edmund Campion affair uses Elizabethan religion in terms of the public sphere to frame the event. The characterization of theological divides of the period as nuanced and performative argues against the theorization of sixteenth century Catholic practices as purely opposed to Elizabeth’s government. Lake and Questier instead posit that such interdenominational conflicts were actually a means of political exercise by various levels of society and served as a crucible for promoting and supporting governmental reform. By examining the various media of Catholic discourse as both subversive performance and political debate, the authors provide insight into the…
The story is written as a recollection of the event at Greasy Lake, so the narrator has a bit of an intro on what happened, and within it he states things like “We were all dangerous characters then” and “We were bad”. Now generally people who are truly “bad” do not come right out and say it. They let their actions speak for their words and allow the person judging their behavior to form their own opinion. The narrator calling himself “bad” is the first of many red flags that he was just trying to play the part…
"Once More to the Lake" is a complex story about embracing change and accepting mortality as part of the aging process. The preference related to stylistic writing boils down to the individual reader and how the reader feels when the last word of the story is read. Will "This Old House" allow the reader to experience hopefulness or a warm and fuzzy feeling as they contemplate life moving forward? Perhaps "Once More to the Lake" leaves the reader feeling uncomfortable or uneasy as they now are faced with accepting the reality of their own mortality. Which of the two stories based on the descriptions so far in this writing are you drawn to and in addition which story inspires you to move outside the safety of your comfort zone and take a risk for self…
“Greasy Lake” is a story about catastrophic mistakes that affect young adult lives. The story is about three boys who think highly of themselves. The narrator tells about how he and his friends, Digby and Jeff, drink, smoke, and stay out late. It is obvious that the narrator and his friends are immature and simply do not care about the consequences of their actions. The boys find themselves in a brawl with some men at the lake. The narrator separates from his friends to order to protect himself. Trying to hide, the narrator has no choice but to plunge into the murky water. While hiding underwater, he bumps into a corpse. Scared and upset, the narrator gets out of the lake just in time to watch his mother’s car being destroyed. This is when…
It was the beginning of the 1800 and people wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature, fishing, bird watching and they started looking for places where they could do these things. This time period marks the beginning of the Ecological Conservation movement. This was the movement that recommended the preservation of nature in the country for future generations. During the 1800s multiple people explored the wilderness of America, bringing back extravagant pictures of the lands. A very popular book in 1872, named Picturesque America, had striking engravings of America’s attractive scenery. One of the pictures represented Mirror Lake of Yosemite. Once people started seeing these majestic pictures of the nature, they began to realize the beauty in…
In today's society, there are many people who have someone who they can lean on for support or someone that they can look up to. There are also many people who are quick to assume things about other people when they have no idea about what might be going on in their life. In the novel “In the Lake of the Woods” John Wade suffers from the loss of his wife and is quickly convicted of her murder or disappearance without anybody being concerned about asking John what might have happened or asking about how he feels about the situation.…
It seems to me that Refuge is more than anything else, about confronting death. In the very beginning of the book the author says “most of the women in my family are dead. Cancer. At thirty-four, I became the matriarch of my family. The losses I encountered at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge as Great Salt Lake was rising helped me to face the losses within my family. (pp. 3-4). The book tells of the time before the death of the author’s, Terry William’s mother who was struggling with cancer. It also tells her story of the flooding of the Great Salt Lake, which coincided with that time, focusing in especially on its effects on the birds of the region. Together these stories intertwine, and we see a clear picture of the effects of death and disaster, and the steps one takes to accept them.…
After reading all of the descriptive essays I found that I liked the “Once More to the Lake “By E.B White. His essay is easily readable and his diction is simplistic. His descriptions and imagery include Whites past and present memories. The narration is first person through the eyes and voice of the author. On the other hand I feel that his theme is more elusive. This retrospection allows the reader to slip behind the wall of time and memories to watch a son and father enjoy the America dream a vacation, reflecting on childhood memories the author recalls a trip back to the place where he had spent summer vacations with his parents and siblings. This event which seemed very enjoyable challenges him to look back at his relationship with his own father now that he has returned he realizes that some things vary and other things a person cannot stop from changing he and his son stay in the same cabin near the same dock on the same lake as he had done in his childhood. Over and over again the author comments that "there has been no years gone by." I believe he felt that he had traveled back in time and though several decades had passed, everything was the same. I think the audience he is trying to appeal is parents specifically fathers. Because the story is based on his relationship with his father comparing it with his relationship now with his son. Just more personally I think this essay is also able to appeal anybody that has thought of what your parents did with their parents.…
B. White’s essay he describes a dual existence he has with his son when spending time at this lake. In some ways White is facing an identity crisis when he has a hard time distinguishing between himself and his son. The essay moves in a non- chronological order where White weaves in and out through the past and present. While at the lake, in its essence remains unchanged, White himself is different, and so he finally accepts the fundamental irony of life. The natural cycle of birth, childhood, maturity, and death are inevitable, he too realizes he is facing the natural course that leads to the chill of…