White, he seemed pleased when he was able to find things that he remembered so vividly of his child hood. One of the major similarities that Mr. White noticed was the peace and tranquility that occurred during the early morning out in the woods. The calm and peaceful mornings reminded the author of his youth at the lake. White recollects that he would normally be the first person out of bed and into the lake spending the early part of his day paddling the canoe close to the shore being very careful not to bump the paddle off the side of the boat, for fear of breaking the peacefulness of the …show more content…
White visited the lake many times, he had developed many fond memories of lake, and the area around it. He remembered the way that the lake was when he was young and started to compare memories of the lake. Although, things had changed since the last time he had visited, there were still things that were exactly as he remembered. Ranging from things that seemed to be similar, such as the man with the cake of soap, to objects that Mr. White, knew where completely different, such as the boat’s motors. While things may not have been, exactly, what Mr. White was expecting, as long as both he and his son had enjoyed themselves. Does it really matter if things are not exactly, as he remembered