The second adjustment within the passage is the replacement of the waitresses. The girls of White’s present “were still fifteen; their hair had been washed, that was the only difference” (434). Here the connotation of the word “washed” is connected to the idea of cleanliness, an improvement from the implied dirtiness of the past. Just as waitresses gone by were replaced by newer, younger, and better versions of themselves, White will come to be replaced by his son. While White sits lakeside, his son prepares to enter the water, and the final change occurs. “[He watches] him, his hard little body, skinny and bare, [sees] him wince slightly as he [pulls] up around around his vitals the small, soggy, ice garment. As he [buckles] the swollen belt, suddenly [White’s] groin [feels] the chill of death” (437). With this diction, the phrase “chill of death” relates White’s dark realization of mortality. Although in the past it was White who ran excitedly toward the lake, the present has his own son
The second adjustment within the passage is the replacement of the waitresses. The girls of White’s present “were still fifteen; their hair had been washed, that was the only difference” (434). Here the connotation of the word “washed” is connected to the idea of cleanliness, an improvement from the implied dirtiness of the past. Just as waitresses gone by were replaced by newer, younger, and better versions of themselves, White will come to be replaced by his son. While White sits lakeside, his son prepares to enter the water, and the final change occurs. “[He watches] him, his hard little body, skinny and bare, [sees] him wince slightly as he [pulls] up around around his vitals the small, soggy, ice garment. As he [buckles] the swollen belt, suddenly [White’s] groin [feels] the chill of death” (437). With this diction, the phrase “chill of death” relates White’s dark realization of mortality. Although in the past it was White who ran excitedly toward the lake, the present has his own son