“Once Upon A Time” begins with a family and the unsafe area that they have grown up in. As the story grows, the descriptions add to how Apartheid begins and affects the safety and the family. The family goes through the time period and the readers get to live and understand the suffrage through Gordimer's words. Gordimer expresses her emotions through adding personal experiences from prior living in the area. Through situational irony and symbolism of prevention, Gordimer criticizes the government's separation and inequality to the people. Gordimer shows the emotional impact that Apartheid has on South Africa through situational irony. Situational irony occurs when the opposite of what
“Once Upon A Time” begins with a family and the unsafe area that they have grown up in. As the story grows, the descriptions add to how Apartheid begins and affects the safety and the family. The family goes through the time period and the readers get to live and understand the suffrage through Gordimer's words. Gordimer expresses her emotions through adding personal experiences from prior living in the area. Through situational irony and symbolism of prevention, Gordimer criticizes the government's separation and inequality to the people. Gordimer shows the emotional impact that Apartheid has on South Africa through situational irony. Situational irony occurs when the opposite of what