The story opens with Gordimer awakened by a bump in the night and cannot go back to sleep due to her fear (a similar situation many people have experienced). "I have no burglar bars, no gun under my pillow, but I have the same fears as people who do take these precautions…" To better convey the idea of society's preoccupation with safety, Gordimer begins to tell herself a bedtime story. In the story there is a family who is "living happily ever after"; they live in the suburbs, have a mini-van, pets and a little boy. Everything seems so blissful, except the family's fixation with their own security. The family feels they must put their trust in security devices in order to feel at peace. For a brief while, the family feels secure by posting a plaque stating "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED" over the silhouette of a prospective intruder. Not too long after this, the old, familiar feeling of uncertainty and discomfort creeps back in. The family then decides to install burglar bars in their home. At this point it is quite evident that the family's pursuit of security has made them literal prisoners in the very home they live in. "From the window and door in the house where they were living happily ever after, now saw the trees and the
The story opens with Gordimer awakened by a bump in the night and cannot go back to sleep due to her fear (a similar situation many people have experienced). "I have no burglar bars, no gun under my pillow, but I have the same fears as people who do take these precautions…" To better convey the idea of society's preoccupation with safety, Gordimer begins to tell herself a bedtime story. In the story there is a family who is "living happily ever after"; they live in the suburbs, have a mini-van, pets and a little boy. Everything seems so blissful, except the family's fixation with their own security. The family feels they must put their trust in security devices in order to feel at peace. For a brief while, the family feels secure by posting a plaque stating "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED" over the silhouette of a prospective intruder. Not too long after this, the old, familiar feeling of uncertainty and discomfort creeps back in. The family then decides to install burglar bars in their home. At this point it is quite evident that the family's pursuit of security has made them literal prisoners in the very home they live in. "From the window and door in the house where they were living happily ever after, now saw the trees and the