Mrs. Perez
“Did you not understand what I said? I said I hate you!” but that’s not what I wanted to say. I wanted to tell him I loved him but we all know when you tell someone you love them they never feel the same back. After saying that, guess what happened. Yup he blocked me on Facebook, and then never spoke to me again. Let me tell you what happened from the beginning, before freshman year started. It was August 23, 2011; I was on Facebook because I couldn’t go to sleep. Everyone I normally talk to was already asleep, because it was almost 11pm. David and I were the only ones on so
I said “Hey can’t go to sleep either?”
“No, haven’t talked to you since July. What school are you going to for high school?” David wrote. I haven’t told anyone but I’ve had a crush on him in fifth grade, I haven’t seen him since sixth grade. I guess I never got over him because when he wrote back I had this weird sensation in my stomach. I wrote back,
“Rhodes. And you?”
“Uhhhh, Rhodes.”
“What’s so bad about me going to school with you?”
“Nothing! It’s just everyone we know from Bryant is going. Ever since I’ve been rapping, everyone has been harassing me.”
“Oh well that shows how much you know me.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“It means that I wouldn’t bother you just because you rap. And it wouldn’t matter because I have all tenth grade classes.”
“Hey that’s not nice Lol.”
“No not like that. I mean yes by not every one will have classes with me.”
We stayed up all night until his girlfriend said “get off” around 4am. The next day at school I seen him in the hall, every were I go I see him, except at lunch because we have different lunch periods. Now back to the present. A few weeks ago I yelled at him on Facebook so he blocked me. All he does is stares at me with those eyes filled with sorrow. So I try to go the opposite way he’s going. I don’t want to see that in his eyes. We don’t ever talk