Our TOK presentation focuses on the one child policy in China and how various people apply themselves to the policy. We are also going to be exploring how reason, emotion and ethics play a role in justifying whether the one child policy is ethical.
To start off, to understand the key factors of our presentation, we will start off with explaining the following: * Emotion, it is associated with mood, temperament, personality, deposition, motivation and how a person views a situation in their point of view. * Reason, is closely connected with emotion, sense perception and language * Justification, something (fact or circumstance) that shows an action to be reasonable or necessary. * Ethics involves systematizing defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour.
We are going to have 3 role plays. One role play will look at how Government officials view the policy, one role play will look at how a mother views the policy and the last role play will look at how a chid views the policy.
Role play one.
The role play consists of a victim (mother) of the one child policy and an interviewer.
This role play will look at a mother’s point of view towards the one child policy and how it affected her life and how she thinks Government officials should have taken emotion into …show more content…
consideration when implementing the policy.
Summary of role play 1
We see that in this role play the mother uses emotion and reason to justify herself.
She states to the interviewer that the government is being an utilitarianism as both the government and the public is benefiting from their up taken policy. Also she describes using reason, why she had another child and compares herself to the officials and the rich. She says the officials and the rich are egoists as they benefit themselves only. Furthermore she describes what affects the moral choice of the public in relation to the policy. We see this affected her and her family as they were separated from their child, this results in conflict against the
Role play two
The role play consists of a victim (child) and an interviewer.
This role play will look at a child’s perspective of the one child policy and how it affected his life.
Summary of role play 2
We see that in this role play the child uses emotion and reason to justify himself. He describes how him being separated from his family affected his emotional life and his attitude towards the government and the policy. He states that the government uses inductive reasoning and tend to generalize and came up with a conclusion easily. He further states how they did not take into consideration the emotion and perception of the public and substituted it with logic.
Role play three
The role play consists of a government representative and an interviewer.
This role play will look at the government’s perspective of the one child policy and what they aimed in achieving and the impact it’s had.
Summary of role play 3
We see that in this role play the government representative uses reason to justify himself. He describes how the one child policy is ethical and how it is not ethical. He then describes if the policy taken by the government was immoral, moral or amoral and to what extent it was. He further looks at reasoning, and how he also finds it immoral for the rich citizens and government officials to have more than one child.
Now that we have fully explained and used most of the aspects to justify our knowledge issue, we conclude that the policy has many aspects to it and everything has to be taken into consideration before making any decision. We have seen the different perspectives and view points of different individuals and how it affects them in several ways. Furthermore they also use reasoning and justification when arguing against their point, they use emotion, reason and ethics to explain why they agree or disagree with the implementation of the policy. Here emotion plays a huge role on how individuals like you and me view the one child policy because we all have a different backgrounds, we all have different feelings on different circumstances, our personality varies with culture and religion and also we all have different attitudes towards a particular situation.
To finish off our presentation we would like to know your perspective of our knowledge issue, which is
“how do you think emotion and reason are used to justify whether the one child policy is ethical?”
“Do you think it was moral, immoral or amoral? Why?”
Done by Jassy, Sula and Dhvani