* Ornery- of a stubborn and mean spirited nature. “The Acutes look spooked and uneasy when he laughs, the way kids look in a schoolroom when one ornery kid is raising too much hell…” (P. 14) * Pinochle- a popular card game played by two, three, or four persons, with a 48-card deck. "Hello, buddy; what 's that your playin '? Pinochle?" (P. 17) * Oxblood- a deep dull-red color. "His face and neck are the color of oxblood leather from working long in the fields." (P. 17) * Sinewy- muscular; strong. “The first one she gets five years after I been on the ward, a twisted sinewy dwarf the color of asphalt” (P. 31) * Feigning- to give a false appearance of. "Don 't overlook the possibility that this man might be feigning psychosis to escape the drudgery of the work farm."(P. 46) * Grimaces- a contorted twisted of the face that expresses disgust or pain. “Harding’s face and hands are moving faster than ever now, a speeded film of gestures, grins, grimaces, sneers.” (P. 58) * Veritable- absolute; used to emphasize figurative concept. “…our Miss Ratched is a veritable angle of mercy and why just everyone knows it.” (P. 58) * Ethereally- very delicate or highly refined; heavenly. “And when our angel leaves- throwing kisses, smiling ethereally- she is so intoxicated with the sweet milk of human kindness…” (P. 58) * Egomania- psychologically abnormal egotism. "Psychopath with definite sadistic tendencies, probably motivated by an unreasoning egomania." (P. 59) * Matriarchy- government by women. “Big Nurse and her boss run the matriarchy at the insane asylum.” (P. 66) * Impregnable- too strong to be captured or entered by force; unbeatable. “She’s impregnable (Nurse Ratched) herself, and with the element of time working for her she eventually gets inside everyone.” (P. 68) * Stoicism- detachment; emotional indifference. “Gentleman, already I seem to detect in our
Cited: Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest. New York: Signet, 1963. Print. Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest. New York: Signet, 1963. Kindle Fire. (E-Book)