he goes around and greets all the men there. People may say he's only being nice because he wants to take their money from gambling, but that's not logical. McMurphy isn't a dumb man, he knows that the men on the ward don't have much in relation to money and possessions to gamble with, so he didn't come to the ward to cheat the mean out of their belongings. Also, he warns the men about his gambling. He says, "'My name is McMurphy, buddies, R. P. McMurphy, and I'm a gambling fool'" (17). If his intentions really were to deceive the men, he would out right say that. This quote also shows how friendly McMurphy is because he is introducing himself to the men. McMurphy continues his friendly actions by playing games with the men and making the hospital a more enjoyable place to live. He starts of my playing card games and monopoly with them. Even after the game is going on for days McMurphy keeps playing. He doesn't get frustrated. When all the other men get fed up with Martini seeing things, McMurphy stays patient. He encourages Martini and tries to make him feel better by saying "'Cheswick you never mind about Martini. He's doing really good'" (102). McMurphy could've agreed with Cheswick and kicked him out of the game which would've been easier, but instead he let him stay. Time and time again McMurphy risks his comfort for the sake of the ward. He stands up to Nurse Ratched, which could delay his release date since she decides when he gets to leave. In order to get the acutes a new day room, he goes behind the Nurse's back and talks to the doctor about it. McMurphy obviously upsets Nurse Ratched by this request because Chief tells us "She doesn't answer, and she doesn't care much for his joking about riots and uprisings either” (100). If Chief is aware of Nurse Ratched’s unhappiness then it can be assumed McMurphy knows as well. Even though it risks his release he tries for the day room anyway. He does get another room out of it, but that room is for half the ward not just himself. Some people may say he did this because he didn't like the music, but the tub room allows the acutes to have their own place to hangout. It gives them a sense of independence and helps them grow as men. McMurphy proves his good intentions time and time again with Chief. He does something no one has ever tried to do and that is to talk to Chief and befriend him. McMurphy gains nothing by talking to Chief, but that doesn't stop him. When McMurphy realizes Chief isn't deaf, he keeps the secret to himself. McMurphy also helps Chief become big again. At first his intentions seem selfish because he uses Chief con the men, but one can see what happened and think McMurphy was just helping Chief. Not only did he build up Chiefs confidence, he also involved Chief in the acutes games. To McMurphy, Chief and him were bonding and having fun gambling. He even offered Chief a part of his money that he won. McMurphy’s bravery and selflessness really show when him and Chief go off to get electroshock therapy. McMurphy has no clue what it will be like, but he still tries to make Chief feel better. He says “’Take ‘er easy. I’ll go first. My skull’s too thick for them to hurt me. And if they cant hurt me they cant hurt you.’…He don’t look a bit scared. He keeps grinning at me” (237). McMurphy not only offers to go first, he doesn’t let Chief see his fear. There are no hidden intentions to hiding his fear, only the intention to bring Chief comfort. McMurphy finally proves his good intentions to all the men when he stood up for George.
George has an extreme fear of germs or dirt, so he refuses to use any of the soap there. This is an issue because Nurse Ratched required all men who went on the fishing trip to shower with a gunky salve. The orderly attacks George with the gunk and McMurphy steps in to help George. After McMurphy’s shouting fails to turn the attention away from George, he shoves the orderly. McMurphy is a smart man, so he know the negative consequences this will bring him, but he does it anyways. He can't just sit around and watch while George is being harassed. He gains nothing from attacking the orderly, he is acting out of pure selflessness. For a period of time the men stated to think McMurphy was actually selfish, but their thoughts quickly changed because of what happened with George. Chief says “Right at that time all of us had a good idea about everything that was going to happen, and why it had to happen, and why we’d all been wrong about McMurphy” (227-228). All the men switched their opinions on McMurphy when he stood up for George. They knew he only had good intentions for fighting with the orderly and that over shadowed all the times he may have gambled with
them. Overall, McMurphy acts more selflessly than selfishly. There may be times when he seems like a bad character trying to take the men’s money, but he always comes back with a greater cause in mind. McMurphy shows people that it’s alright to not be perfectly good and still be considered selfless. As long as a person doesn’t always think about themselves, then they are not selfish.