Charles V- inherited the Hapsburg part of the Holy Roman Empire , concentrated on Lutheranism, didn’t expand/strengthen the Holy Roman Empire…
Early Reform Papacy: the central administration of Roman Catholic Church (Pope)Indulgence: The forgiveness of punishment due for past sins, granted by Catholic Church authorities as reward for a pious act.Martin Luther Protestant Reformation: religious reform movement within Latin christian church beginning 1519The Reformation SpreadsThe Counter Reformation and the Politics of RegionCatholic Revolution: religious reform movement within Latin Christian church, in response to protestant ReformationReligion and the Ambitions of Kings Local Religion, Traditional Culture, and Witch-Hunts Political InnovationsHoly Roman Empire of the German heartland- loose federation of mostly German states and principalities, headed by an emperor elected by the princesEngland Civil War- a conflict over royal versus parliamentary rights, caused by King Charles I’s arrest of his parliamentary critics ending with his executionVersailles- the huge palace built by French king Louis XVI south of Pariswarfare was almost constant in early modern EuropeEngland merged with Scotland to become Great Britainin order to pay for the costly wars, European countries had to come up with new money plans, such as taxationin a series of wars, England used its naval might to break Dutch dominance in overseas trade and extended its own colonial empire…
The short yet significant reign of Edward bought with it a series of severe changes to England and all those within it, many of them taking a religious nature. As the once unquestionable authority of the church became challenged by both critics and affiliates alike, England witnessed an almost inevitable reformation. However, the impact on the majority was not necessarily beneficial- as Duffy wrote, the Reformation bought with it an ‘assault on traditional religion’, leaving many men that ‘breathed easier for the accession of a Catholic queen’.…
England had a reputation for maintaining the power of the king over the pope. Edward I rejected efforts of the pope to not tax the clergy. Parliament passed the Statutes of Province and the Praemunire in the mid-14th century to lessen payments to Rome. Lollardy, humanism and anticlerical feelings paved the road for Protestant ideas in the early 16th century.…
Robert W. Strayer Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources Second Edition Chapter 15 Cultural Transformations: Religion and Science, 1450–1750 Copyright © 2013 by Bedford/St. Martin’s The Globalization of Christianity A. Western Christendom Fragmented: The Protestant Reformation 1. Martin Luther: German priest who combined widespread criticism of Roman Catholic hierarchy and corruption with a theological message that faith—not works, acts, or rituals—was the path to salvation.…
Describe the reformation in England and why it took place; who was ruling England and why did he create a new church?…
There are many different reasons why it was virtually impossible for opposition to form against Henry VIII’s during the reformation and no explanation can ignore the sheer diversity of the people. Source 3 on face value explains that it was the “many different reasons” that people opposed the Reformation for, which means that they could not collaborate together fully for a completely shared common cause therefore rendering them weak against the Crown. Whilst their “grievances would be gently heard and their reasonable requests granted” source 2 insinuates that there were a number of unreasonable requests made. With the plentiful requests made towards the King not all requests could be granted, therefore indirectly separating the opposition as only a few would have gained what they set out to achieve.…
2002B (#2): To what extent did political authorities influence the course of the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century?…
Religion in European history is one of the most commonly changed and important institutions. Christianity went from being a persecuted religion in the Roman Empire to the most popular and recognized religion of the middle ages. Before all religions became accepted in the Roman Empire, the empire was ruled by an emperor usually aligned with the state or government. However the Edict of Milan took place, which stated that there was religious freedom for all, Christianity growing in popularity at that time.1 Bishops of important cities were now starting to rise to power.…
When Martin Luther posted the 95 theses in 1517, he had changed the entire path of European politics and religion. He sparked a thought in the region that in many cases, converted people’s basic Christian beliefs. At the time, the Roman Catholic Church was the most powerful Institution. However, there were many corruptions and problematic doctrines, which Luther opposed. Though most commoners became followers because of faith, political leaders sometimes became protestant for other reasons. One important figure that was influenced by this protestant reformation was King Henry VIII of England. A monarch, he had a great desire to have a son that would be his heir, the next king. Unfortunately, his first wife was only able to birth one daughter. By then Henry VIII had formed a relationship with another woman. This one promised him a son. However, the Catholic Church forbade divorce and Henry VIII was Catholic at the time. To resolve this issue, England separated from the church and began the Anglican Church, a church headed by Henry VIII himself. The Act of Supremacy in 1534 officially began England’s Protestant Reformation. With this new power of the state over the church, the head of the King’s Council, Thomas Cromwell, carried out new government policies which included new taxes, increased power of the monarchy in Northern England, dissolution of Roman Catholic monasteries, and confiscation of the lands that belong to the Church. Enraged, commoners and nobles alike began marching and protesting in what was known collectively as the Pilgrimage of Grace. These individuals that numbered in the tens of thousands, marched for political and religious reasons, while the opposition also claimed political and religious reasons for the protests to stop.…
Describe some of the effects of the Reformation and explain how monarchs increased their power during this time.…
Though the belief of Roman Catholicism was infamous, the king James II attempted to redefine it. He tried to make it the state religion of the country. He was in favor of the Catholics so always tried to give more privileges to them. His ‘dispensing power’ of ruling was the indication of that. He had the authority to renew or repeal any parliamentary act. Therefore, he issued a proclamation was rejected by the parliament because that clearly visualized his tyrannical…
The legislative branch is one of three divisions of government that works in union with the executive and judicial branches. The main duty of this branch of government is to present, analyze and pass legislation. According to the constitution, Congress has legislative power, however, that power is shared with the Judicial and Executive branch (Patterson, 2013). Also, two of the responsibilities of the legislative branch are to legislate the laws of the state, as well as suitable currency for the management of public procedure. This legislative control is steadiness by the state constitutions by giving veto power to the chief of the executive, in other words, the President of the United…
What is athletic training? Athletic training is the concern of the well being of the athlete and generally assumes the responsibility for overseeing the total health care for the athlete. This basically states that an athletic trainer's job is to be there for the athlete whether he/she is injured or not, and to practice the prevention of injury. By learning the proper techniques and steps to stretching, an athletic trainer can pass that information onto the athlete to help prevent common problems such as cramping. Another way of looking at an athletic trainer is that they must be prepared and capable of dealing with any type of trauma or catastrophic injury that may occur. If that wasn't enough, the NATA website offers this definition, "Certified athletic trainers (ATC's) are unique health care providers who specialize in the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses that occur to athletes and the physically active."…
Theory of mind is an important concept to understand as educators of children in the early years as it is developed through children’s interactions with their peers, families, educators and diverse environments (Whites, Hayes and Livesey, 2010) Theory of mind can be defined as the understanding of mental states, such as belief, desire and knowledge, that enables us to explain and predict other’s behaviour (Miller, 2006).It is the ability to perceive what another person might be thinking or might know (Whites, Hayes and Livesey, 2010 ).…