Throughout the world societies are colliding and causing extreme prejudice against minorities. In today’s society we continue to fear the unknown, even if the unknown is a person. Julia Alvarez’s “I, Too, Sing America” emphasizes the persecution people face in a new country and how assimilation…
It is good to realize that the author is a young Chicano man willing to raise the voice for all the ones who are not able. It is important to keep transmitting this kind of message because people needs to remember being illegal does not make them less. This kind of works should continue, mostly after the last elections which led to an apparent unfavorable result for the Chicano people. After all, as Veliz said, the main idea is to change peoples’ heart because only love will defeat all the hate and racism that exist…
Whether it is fear of deportation or of speaking up, undocumented individuals are always dominated and limited to what they can say or do. Therefore, “Transborder Lives” experiences can be evaluated through the lenses of internal colonialism. With the recurring cycle of the oppressed and the oppressor, the concept of internal colonialism becomes present. The dominant society has and still creates political and economic inequalities to exploit minority groups. Stephen provides the Bracero Program as an example, which was designed to recruit Mexican laborer to substitute for those who left the farm labor industry to serve in the U.S. armed forces. The program played an important role in the arrival of the Mixtecs and Zapotecs in California and Oregon, since their migration decision was a result of labor recruitment. Just like all those indigenous people were recruited, my grandfather, Jose Regalado Yepez also formed part of the Bracero program. He was recruited at a young age, but the desire for a better life and the need to go back and be an impact for those he left behind was what guided him. However, accompanying the Bracero Program was also Operation Wetback, a program that focused on deporting and preventing undocumented people from entering the U.S. Similarly, the poem I am Joaquin by Rodolfo Gonzales captures the unity and pride of Indo-Mexican culture, along with the struggles against racial prejudice and social injustice they experienced. The poem states “Lost in a world of confusion, caught up in the whirl of a gringo society, confused by the rules, scorned by attitudes, suppressed by manipulation, and destroyed by modern society”. With their policies once again we can see the U.S. dominance and the lack of consistency, where the U.S. approves immigrants for cheap labor, but discards them when they are no longer…
Often American authors imply what it is like to be an American in their poetry. Essentially, Langston Hughes and Walt Whitman share similar thoughts in their literature. In “I, Too” and “I Hear America Singing”, the authors use textual evidence to support their opinions on America. In Walt Whitman’s poem, “I Hear America Singing”, Whitman explains how hard labor in America is music to him. Whitman says “I hear America singing, the varied carols i hear”, meaning how these jobs differentiate, but they all come together as one large working society. In comparison, Langston Hughes discusses society in his poem “I, Too”. Hughes wrote his literature in an era of time where racism and segregation was strong. Hughes states how he wasn’t allowed to…
From early ages both Douglass and Rodriguez grew up with cultural struggles of being minorities in the United States. In Rodriguez’s book Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez…
Rodolfo Corky Gonzales was the extraordinary author that wrote the famous poem of “I am Joaquin/ Yo Soy Joaquin”. He was a professional boxer, poet, activist and was the founder of the Crusade for Justice which was an important movement for justice and equality in the Mexican American Community in the 1960’s. For years Rodolfo fought and led protest for chicano unity and was an advocate for racism in the states and also police brutality. However, the thing that impacted the Mexican American community the most is his “I am Joaquin” poem because it brought light into a community that till this point wasn’t recognized for being chicano. Several poems revolving around the hardships of Mexican Americans in the United States had been made prior…
In the story, the author is getting pulled in various directions. Rodriguez wants to stay true to his Mexican culture for his parents' sake claiming they, “...grow distant, apart, no longer speak,” but also wants to belong in American culture where his education has driven him to a position not many Mexicans get to or have to opportunity to be (Rodriguez 105). This story confronts the idea that anyone can succeed as long as they are willing to sacrifice their cultural identity in the process.…
For all peoples, as with individuals, the time comes when they must reckon with their history. For the Chicano the present is a time of renaissance, of renacimiento. Our people and our community, el barrio and la colonia, are expressing a new consciousness and a new resolve. Recognizing the historical tasks confronting our people and fully aware of the cost of human progress, we pledge our will to move. We will move forward toward our destiny as a people. We will move against those forces which have denied us freedom of expression and human dignity. Throughout history the quest for cultural expression and freedom has taken the form of a struggle. Our struggle, tempered by the lessons of the American past, is an historical reality.…
Cited: Watson, Bruce. Bread and Roses: Mills, Migrants, and the Struggle for the American Dream New York: Viking, 2005, chapter 1, pp. 73-74…
I’m talking to. If I know that the word “Hispanic” bothers people, then I’ll say Latino. But if they ask me from what country,…
In today’s America Latinos face challenges and inequities because of their ethnicity, which has been made even more evident by the current anti-immigration political climate. It is obvious that Latinos in America, even those born on United States soil, have fewer opportunities for success than their white counterparts. Unfortunately, these injustices are minor compared to the overwhelming discrimination their forefathers were subjected to. As with many cases where a society is oppressed, an underground literature serving to vent raw emotions thrived. This literature documents the day to day struggle of Latinos in America, and can give us a picture of what it must have been like to be a Latin American years ago. It is…
America historically owns the reputation of being the land of opportunity, and for generations immigrants have fled to the United States to experience the freedom and equality our government lays claim to. At the root of this reputation is the American Dream, the belief that with hard work anyone can succeed based solely on his or her merits, and is believed to be [American Dream] blind to race, sex, or socioeconomic status, conversely, repeated examples and statistics of the lower-classes, those continually facing the harsh reality that opportunity and equality are just myths, only prove the opposite. The truth of the matter is that influence of a class on an individual’s identity is greater than many would like to perceive. The main reason for this misconception is the fact that everyone wants to hear what they can accomplish and not what factors stand in their way, keeping them far from reality. The idea of what factors affect identity, and most importantly, what are the underlying realities of the American mythology of success has been touched upon by many writers, among them are Gregory Mantsios in “Class in America” and Harlon Dalton in “Horatio Alger.” Even though these two writers have confronted the last topic [American mythology of success] in different ways complementing each other, I still believe that Gregory Mantsios has been more persuasive, and insightful on his approach.…
Finally, the American voice is characterized as diverse. In Langston Hughes poem entitled “I, Too, Sing America” in line 3 he acknowledges “I am the darker brother” meaning that he was an American, but a black American indicating that there isn't just one American. In addition to Whitman’s poem in Barack Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech in 2004 Obama emphasizes that “There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America”. When Obama states this he’s stating that there are many diverse cultures in…
In Martin Espada's "Latin Night at the Pawnshop," the poet examines the Latin culture during Christmas time in a young, but still growing community of Latino immigrants. The poem proposes that during some time in America, people of Latino descent could not enjoy themselves during the holidays as they would if they were in their own country. Therefore, the theme of the poem is heavily influenced by the demise of Latin culture in America. Espada augments his poem to make the theme clear by using the following elements of poetry: diction and tone, symbols, and imagery.…
Unfortunately, this poem was written in the wake of a gruesome civil war in El Salvador. Some even describe it as “one of the bloodiest political contests in Latin America’s recent history...that cost near 80,000 lives” (Sprenkels…