For the KSA’s, K is understood as knowledge. Under knowledge, it talked about clerical work, customer & personal service, personnel & human resources, administration & management, and lastly computers & electronics. Looking more at what is under knowledge, I highlighted what I know I can achieve and know well. Only working for a summer within Human Resources, I learned so much about Personnel and Human Resources. Knowing the principles and procedures for personnel recruitment, selection training, compensation & benefits, labor regulations and negotiation, and personal information systems can only benefit me and make myself a valuable commodity. There is so much more that is under knowledge for Human Resource Specialist that I feel I can benefit from knowing such as the clerical role that attributes to the job and providing customer service.
The next letter of KSA’s stands for Skills. The skills that are highlighted on the ONET Online are speaking, active listening, writing, monitoring, coordination, and judgment and decision-making. Researching all the skills, I went over what my current skills are