“Want to meet hot singles in your area?” Not a day goes by without encountering one of these advertisements on the internet. These advertisements can be seen on almost every page on the web, from dictionary websites to social networking websites such as Facebook. With many different behaviours resulting from online dating, this essay will explore three different positions on online dating: complete rejection, middle ground, and acceptance.
Many people reject online dating and dismiss the idea completely, especially individuals who are already involved in a relationship, they may find that online dating has many disadvantages to their relationship such as spousal cheating. Not only does online dating permit cheating by providing easy access to individuals facing problems in their homes, but it also encourages it. “Life is too short. Have an affair” is the first line to be seen on Ashleymadison.com, a website that guarantees the anonymity of its members and ensures that it is the most successful website for finding cheating partners. And the list goes on for the websites that encourage spousal cheating. With the variety and ease in ways available to cheat on spouses, one cannot help but feel threatened that one of their own family members will fall a victim to online dating. According to Aristotle, humans are naturally social creatures that thrive on contributing to their community by offering their potential to help out others. Online dating stands in the way of individuals contributing to their community, it keeps the individuals using online dating satisfied without having to leave their home, instead of actually spending time with other people and getting to know them. This is another drawback for people that care about the improvement and well being of their community.
Many websites claim that anonymity is guaranteed to its members. This may be a good aspect to these websites, for people that are normally shy and are too
Bibliography: Ashley Madison. Last Accessed February 1st, 2012, http://www.ashleymadison.com/ Mishna, McLuckie, and Michael Saini. “A Qualitative Study Examining Online Relationships and Cyber Abuse.” Social Work Research 33 (2009):113, accessed February 10th, 2012. http://docserver.ingentaconnect.com/deliver/connect/nasw/10705309/v33n2/s5.pdf?expires=1328861055&id=67129772&titleid=6451&accname=Guest+User&checksum=A4D52F98C380A33DCF561574BDFE96C7 Ross, David, trans. Nicomachean Ethics. Raleigh: Oxford University Press, 2000.